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Shinzo Abe is with us no more...
We echo the few words of our Secretary of State.

The worst Ministry in recent British history
after that of the notorious Tony "the puppet
war criminal" Blair and, certainly, the first
demagogic charlatan to govern the Isles.
Pity for England both for having elected
him and for having sustained him, despite
him having used every single tool available
in a politician's arsenal to expose his patent
incompetence, crassness and stupidity.

Εκτός και η Ίος από πιθανούς προορισμούς.
Η μαλα*ία πέφτει σύννεφο και κανείς δε
λαμβάνει υπόψη ότι μπορεί να μαλα*ιστεί
και στο σπίτι ακόμα καλύτερα, χωρίς να
κοπιάσει και να ξοδευτεί να πάει στο πυρ
το εξώτερον... Χαζομάρες και χονδροαφε-
ρεγγυότητες που, όχι μόνο είναι απαράδεκτες,
αλλά άπτονται και του επικίνδυνου και, ο μη
γένοιτο, όταν κάποιοι το αντιληφθούν, μπορεί
να είναι πια πολύ αργά.

BRAVO, Mr. Ceylan! A moderate voice for
harmonic coexistence, dialog & cooperation.
Conflict and war have no place in modern
foreign relations and they take parties back
by several decades, if not centuries.

Καλό θα ήταν να υπάρξει έξωθεν φιλική, αλλά
αποφασιστική, παρότρυνση για μεταρρύθμιση
του δικαστικού συστήματος στην Ελλάδα, αφού
δε γίνεται τίποτα εκ των έσω. Η ταχύτητα με
την οποία απονέμεται "δικαιοσύνη" στην
Ελλάδα καθιστά το σύστημα ένα από τα
λιγότερο λειτουργικά και χειρότερα στην
Ευρώπη, μαζί με το σεσημασμένο Ιταλικό,
αν όχι ένα από τα χειρότερα στον κόσμο.
Έτσι, όχι μόνο οι αλλοδαποί δεν πρόκειται
να τολμήσουν να επενδύσουν στο βαθμό που
θα επέτρεπε εμπιστοσύνη σε ένα ταχύ και
αποτελεσματικό σύστημα, αλλά και οι ιδιοι
οι Έλληνες Πολίτες ταλαιπωρούνται και
ψυχικά και φυσικά και οικονομικά άσκοπα,
και προτιμούν να γυρίσουν και το άλλο
μάγουλο παρά να απευθυνθούν στη "δικαι-
οσύνη", παρά μόνο αν είναι ένοχοι καθότι
τότε μέχρι να βγει η απόφαση ή θα έχουν
γεράσει ή οι ευθύνες θα έχουν παραγραφεί,
αν όχι de jure τότε de facto...

Ρε, Φίλη και αφενικό του Φίλη και κάθε κατα-
καημένου Φίλη, δε ντρέπεστε λίγο; Τί κάνατε
επί τέσσερα χρόνια; Προωθήσατε καθόλου το
διαχωρισμό Πολιτείας και Εκκλησίας, όπως
απαιτούσε η προοδευτική πλειοψηφία, ή μήπως
το γράψατε στα παλιά σας τα υποδήματα και
χειρο- και ποδο-φιλούσατε τα παπαδαριά και
την ιεραρχία και τώρα καμώνεστε ότι σας
πειράζει που και οι άλλοι (που τουλάχιστον
ποτέ δεν υποσχέθηκαν τίποτα περί του αντι-
θέτου) κάνουν ακριβώς τα ίδια; Αλλά λίγη
ντροπή δεν περιττεύει από πουθενά στην
πολιτική για να τη βρει ο κυρ Νίκος να βγάλει
το σκασμό αναγνωρίζοντας την αλήθεια...

Κρίμα. Είναι κακόγουστο, ανώριμο και δε μας
. Είμαστε γείτονες και σύμμαχοι. Όταν
απειλούμαστε, θα υπερασπιζόμαστε τα δίκαιά
μας και ό,τι μας ανήκει βάση του Διεθνούς
Δικαίου, χωρίς εκπτώσεις. Αλλά θα το κάνουμε
με ψυχραιμία, ωριμότητα, αυτοπεποίθηση και
διακριτικότητα, και χωρίς φθηνές, αχρείαστες
και φαιδρές προκλήσεις τέτοιου τύπου.

I find it strange that this U.S. couple wants to sue
the Maltese Government for enforcing its Laws.
Let me say the following. If someone is not a
Citizen or Resident of a Country, they are not
entitled, when visiting, to be treated according
to the Laws of their own State or according to
the standards they are used to at home (even
though those standards for American Citizens
are now becoming questionable and doubtful,
given the developing situation in the United States).
If a non-Mexican visits Mexico, which is teetering
on the conditions of a failed state, with gangs and
cartels being in charge in many places and police
forces and politicians on their payroll, and gets
hurt, mugged or abducted, and then turns around
and sues the Mexican Government for it, it would
be strange. Knowing what one knows, one should
avoid going to Mexico in the first place.
If a pregnant woman from a "liberal" state, with
good care and respect for female freedoms, chooses
to visit a conservative state, gambling with women's
health and reproductive rights, then she is doing so
at her own cognizance and at her own peril. It would
be strange to sue the State for its Laws, if something
happens to her while there. My view is that they
should avoid visiting such states in the first place.
Let's follow these guidelines, not only for our own
safety, but, also, to exercise financial pressure on
the States that are not doing the Right Thing and/
or that do not care so as to force them to change
their ways, pay attention and align with modernity.

Ms. Baerbock, together with the six Nations of the
Western Balkans, the E.U. and, thus, in particular,
France and Germany, have a huge role to play in
accelerating their accession. Commit informally
to working with them so that they, all six of them,
be ready by 2033. WE CAN DO IT! IT MUST BE

We all stand with and support adamantly all
Journalists that fulfill, sometimes under very
difficult and dangerous conditions, with extreme
courage and self-sacrifice, their mission to keep
us all informed and reveal the truth and hold
authorities everywhere accountable.

you find it embarrassing and inconvenient politically
and when what they reveal shows your crassness,
your total disregard for the Law and your brutality.

Mr. Erdogan should know very well that, when
financial woes and disaster struck Greece, Greeks
woke up and voted a new party in power, untainted
by the corruption and the machinations that led to
the downfall, and not carrying responsibility for
the devastating political decisions up to that point.
I hope that, instead of trying to teach a lesson
to people that have proven themselves politically
alert and savvy
, he makes an honest effort to try
to digest himself that lesson
. Assuming that the
Turkish people are similarly alert and savvy, as
their western neighbors, Mr. Erdogan should
realize that the end is close for him and his party,
due to rampant nepotism, corruption and various
erroneous political and economic decisions, and
should expect and be prepared to hand down
power to a successor, hopefully a new politician,
untainted by this mismanagement, with much
less egocentric view of both domestic political
and financial matters as well as a more stable,
more open and friendlier worldview.

With all due respect to our relatives of the animal
kingdom, but not so much respect for Edi Rama,
who has become notorious for exploiting frictions
in a sensitive region of our Planet to make jokes
out of place and in rather bad taste
, my own view
is that one should not use the term "monkey" for
humans depending on their beliefs on whether
they came before, in tandem with, or after our
primate relatives, but should use it for those
"leaders" and politicians who unrepentantly
engage in uncivilized activities, such as trafficking,
extortion, rampant gangsterism and embezzlement,
who could not care less about the Rule of Law,
legal norms or ethics, and who, through political
offices, enjoy complete immunity and impunity
and evade accountability. These are the real
monkeys (or shall we say monsters) of our times.

Birthday of Robert Schuman, Le Père de l'Europe.

Peace, Stability and Prosperity in International
Politics should not be a matter of sexism and of
speculation. What should be made clear is that
International Law is not there to be broken at
will or whim and is not there to be followed
selectively or a la carte.
Unless all leaders, be it
male or female, understand this thoroughly and
feel its importance and digest the dangerous and
dire consequences lurking behind tampering
with its tenets, the World will not be able to
move forward and to leave behind the arbi-
trariness, the mayhem, the sorrow and misery,
the destruction, the carnage and the Armageddon
faced continuously by previous generations at the
hands of states and their despots.
I am optimistic and my optimism stems from
the exponential increase in communication
between people. Contact and constant inter-
action through media, social media, various
modes of electronic communication, and
physical contact through easier traveling
have instilled a feeling of intimacy, inter-
dependence and fraternity between All
Nations. Moreover, the fact that more and
more states are governed democratically or,
at least, quasi-democratically, is increasing
accountability and forcing leaders and pseudo-
leaders to heed, or at least take into account,
the more and more vocal demands of Citizens
everywhere for Peace, Fraternity, Solidarity
and Co-operation among All States and All
, despite recent
developments, who, we all hope are going to be
a rare exception and not the rule from now on

Some decisions are totally inexplicable and
incomprehensible. Erdogan visited and kissed
the feet of a pariah, a murderer and a butcher,
who carried out his evil, malicious and satanic
ceremonies on Turkish soil; the only motivation
being ducats and investments. Now he declines
to meet the Greek Prime Minister, who is an
innocent sheep, a saint, in comparison with
the international gangster and criminal, the
wolf, whose feet he washed and in whose court
he bowed so low with the hope of receiving a
fistful of florins to help an economy that he
himself, through his political machinations
and corruption, has brought to its knees. But
should we have expected anything reasonable
from a self-possessed, capricious and mercurial
"leader" with the brains of a chicken?

A cartoon by Kostas Mitropoulos in the Greek
daily "TA NEA" (with my own approximate
translation), very appropriately and very
incisively depicting the hypocrisy of those self
anointed protectors of Human Life and their
selective application of various dogmas and the
desperation and stupefaction of the rest of us at
their warped logic, "principles" and ideology.
Including sharp commentary, chastisement,
disbelief and  stupefaction emanating, if I may
add, from the Vatican itself

Does anyone really believe that, if any of the conservative
justices of the supreme court had a daughter of a sensitive
age who became pregnant and asked for their help to abort,
they would have any qualms, because they voted that way, to
fund, with their sizable income and fortunes, a trip for her
in an expensive clinic somewhere abroad, if need be, to have
the procedure? Would you really think that, even though
they would certainly do this for one of their own, they have
any second thoughts about depriving others, who cannot
afford the same luxuries and escape routes, the same
privileges that they have available any time for themselves
and their families? Unfortunately, that is the case with all
governing republicans. They do not hesitate to curtail the
freedoms of others and dictate to others how they should
live, and only realize the enormity of their bigotry, their
pretentiousness and their hypocrisy when the need, the
difficulties and the disasters strike home
Zero empathy, zero understanding, zero solidarity, zero
. Should we have expected more from the lunatic
asylum that elected and still stands by the morph's side?

Once more, I strongly encourage the EU authorities
to push for final Membership of all the remaining
Balkan States into the block by 2033
, along the lines
of the Greek Prime Minister's proposal. There should
not be any open hole in the EU map in the Balkans
by 2033
. The time is ripe for courageous steps and
bold compromises mediated by the EU so that all
States, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo
and Serbia, become Members. Such Membership
is the only guarantee for Peace, Stability and Security,
not to mention Fraternity, close Cooperation and
the ensuing economic advantages and prosperity
for all People in our Region. But this does not only
require willingness, enthusiasm and hard work
on the side of candidate states, but also eagerness,
hard work and versatility from those in the Block.

Η Ψυχή η Ελληνική σ'όλο της το μεγαλείο...
Όλα τα άλλα που παρακολουθούμε ανόητες,
κακόγουστες, άθλιες, φαιδρές απόπειρες
απομιμήσεων ξενόφερτων "προτύπων", σε
κακέκτυπες εκδόσεις. Ας αφήσουμε που και
τα πρωτότυπα δεν είναι και ό,τι καλύτερο
έχουν οι κουλτούρες εισαγωγής να προσφέρουν.

Μέσα στον οχετό σκα*ών και αφερεγγυοτήτων
που πλασάρει το υπό τις ετικέτες "trash",
"fizz", "tv", "music stage", "social" κ.λ.π., και
την επιρροή των οποίων και οι ίδιοι οι σχολια-
στές του κατακρίνουν, αλλά χωρίς να τολμούν να
κατονομάσουν, να περικόψουν ή να περιορίσουν,
ήρθε στο φως και αυτό το διαμάντι από τα social
media, που πραγματικά με έχει αφήσει άφωνο.
Τί να πω; Μπράβο στον Σταύρο Ξαρχάκο και
μπράβο στα νέα παιδιά, για το σεβασμό, για
τη συγκέντρωση και για την όρεξη για μάθηση
σε ένα είδος που είναι το ίδιο μας το "είναι",
μία από τις μεγαλύτερες,  πλουσιότερες και,
ίσως, πιο αξιόλογες κληρονομιές μας.
Μπράβο, Σταύρο και παιδιά!!

Utter humiliation... From a fierce accuser of the
Dictatorship and its deeds on Turkish soil and a
self-declared protector of Human Dignity and
Human Rights, Erdogan went and washed and
kissed the feet of a murderer and a butcher, just
for a fistful of dollars more. Turkey deserves
better. Someone that is not volatile, unstable
and untrustworthy, but means what he says,
especially in matters that do not admit of cheap
compromises and in which a proud State should
not budge and bow in servility...

I fully and wholeheartedly support Prime Minister
Mitsotakis' proposal to provide a tentative deadline
for the integration of the remaining Balkan States
into the European Union. In my view, the time is
ripe and the Candidate States are in a position
to intensify their efforts, and the Balkan Members
of the E.U., with Greece at the forefront, are in a
position to help and support so that, by 2033, all
would be ready for accession. Not only would that
give to those Candidate States something tangible
to look forward to, but it would be a fulfillment of
a dream and of a vision for all of us who are avid
supporters of the European Project, who see
European integration not only an an economic
guarantee of a better future, but, above all, as a
guarantee that our children and grandchildren
would be even further away from the perils and
calamities of pre-21st Century conflicts, wars
and devastation (despite Russia's anachronistic
tendencies), and who are getting up there in age
and need a positive milestone, a positive game-
changer, to be looking forward to before our
own time comes (unless it does come too soon).

Είναι προφανές ότι σε μία κοινωνία με παμπάλαιες
αντιλήψεις και νοοτροπίες όσον αφορά το ρόλο των
ανδρών και των γυναικών και με βαθειά ριζωμένα
σεξισμό, αντριλίκι, ψευτομαγκιά και τραμπουκισμό,
η θέση της γυναίκας και η ισότητα των φύλων
υστερούν και οι κίνδυνοι, από κακομεταχείρηση
μέχρι κακοποιήσεις, βασμούς και γυναικοκτονίες,
και τα ανάλογα περιστατικά, είναι ανησυχητικά,
αποτρόπαια και εξαιρετικά επιβλαβή.
Είναι αξιοθρήνητο μία νομικός, πολιτευτής μέχρι
πρότινος του κυβερνώντος κόμματος, να έχει τόσο
μικρή ευαισθησία και σχεδόν παντελή έλλειψη
αναλυτικής ικανότητας και δυνατότητα σκέψης
ώστε να θεωρεί αυτήν την τραγική κατάσταση,
με οδυνηρές συνέπειες, και το γεγονός ότι, φυσικά,
υπάρχουν και γυναίκες που ευθύνονται και/ή

επιδίδονται σε πράξεις κακομεταχείρησης, σε
βιαιοπραγίες και σε δολοφονίες ως αμοιβαία
αποκλειόμενα και ευκαιρία και εφαλτήριο για
ειρωνεία και σαρκασμό. Ελπίζω οι ψηφοφόροι να
έχουν τη διορατικότητα και την ευθυκρισία να
στείλουν, σε περίπτωση υποψηφιότητας, και σε
εκείνη και σε όλους παρομοίων ιδεολογιών και
νοοτροπιών, ένα ξεκάθαρο και δυνατό μήνυμα.

Bravo to our United States Ambassador to Athens
and to the American and all other Embassies in the
Greek Capital that are supporting the Athens Pride
. The events are not only a celebration of a
specific community, but, more fundamentally, as
the Ambassador points out in his statement, they
are about Human Dignity, Respect for All, Equality
and the Freedom of each and all individuals to
choose, without fear and inhibitions, their own
path in leading happy and fulfilling lives, the only
proviso, in any Civilized Society, being that those
choices not restrict or inhibit the choices of others,
or cause harm to other individuals. Consequently,
it is a celebration for all, a promise of a much
better, more open and much more joyful society,
where all can live harmoniously and prosper.

In the United States, we have this tendency of calling
ourselves "patriots" and "heroes" too easily. But when
it comes to exploiting difficult circumstances to make
an extra buck or two on the backs of our fellow
countrymen, we do not hesitate and engage in rampant
scourging and profiteering, as is happening in many
sectors right now. Under various excuses, many
industries and services engage in unjustifiably fast
and high price increases even though their margins
of profitability are higher than ever before. No
wonder why JFK, who knew this modus operandi
too well from his own family's deeds I might add,
advised his fellow citizens to "ask not what their
country can do for them, but what they can do for
their country"... As for inflation, I've mentioned
this before: you do not need a Ph.D. in economics
to realize that giving out indiscriminately so much
money (as if it had been growing on trees), it would
affect inflation, nor did it require a genius to really
appreciate that, when the trends start, the afore-
mentioned greed and insatiability would lead to
a long term upward spiral and would not end in
a matter of a few months. Some people simply
strike me either as too naive or as being totally out
of touch with reality or as being, despite their
advanced age, totally inexperienced regarding
how economics, coupled with psychology, work in
our country and why we must be extra careful.

Bravo, also, to Mr. Imam Ahmet! The louder the voices of
Reason for Peace, Stability, Prosperity, Brotherhood and
Friendship and against Friction, Enmity, War, Carnage
and Destruction
, the less likely are shady interests, those
exploiting war to advance their own political careers and
those that dare to put other people's lives on the line to
profiteer from Death, Pain, Suffering and Devastation
to succeed in their despicable and horrific goals.

Bravo also to Berna Laçin! Let us engage in a campaign
of brotherhood, solidarity and positivity. As People, we
can, by voicing our opinions and feelings and by casting
our votes when the time comes, isolate those malicious
voices that advocate enmity and friction and those wild,
inarticulate cries that call for conflict, mayhem and war,
devastation, carnage and suffering
. No person, at least
no reasonable and thinking person, on either side of the
Aegean has any right to be thinking or acting in such a
way and to gamble with and jeopardize the security,
prosperity and happiness of the People on either side.

Bravo to the Mayor of Istanbul! Instead of repeating
every day that neither side needs more territories
than they already have
and that the two People,
besides being neighbors, are also brothers and sisters,
close friends and avid supporters of Peace and Stability,

and all they demand from their States are Democracy,
Freedom, Equality and Good Governance
, so that
they may live decently, comfortably and securely,
we repeat threats and engage in aggressive, needless
that does nothing to advance the goals and
aspirations of Modern States or fulfill the desires
or serve the needs of the People on either side of the

Totally incoherent, nonsensical and delirious talk.
One wonders whether, perhaps, because of their
leader's debility and mental issues and of their
political isolation and related troubles, they close
themselves in a room and smoke substances from
early day till late night to ease their pain and
suffering, and this causes stupor and dimness...

Κανένας μα κανένας, όσο φημισμένος κι όσο περίτρανος
κι αν είναι (κι εδώ σίγουρα δε μιλάμε για άτομο τέτοιου
διαμετρήματος, δε μιλάμε για έναν "Μίκη των εικαστικών
τεχνών"), δεν έχει δικαίωμα να παραμένει σε τέτοιο πόστο
για τριάντα χρόνια. Αλλά ίσως αυτό να δείχνει και την
πραγματική αξία, την πραγματική ποιότητα, ευαισθησία,
ευσυνειδησία, επίγνωση και διορατικότητα και το όραμα
του συγκεκριμένου προσώπου...

President Biden may be willing to sell his soul to the
devil and to negotiate with a cold, calculating murderer
and butcher, a gross abuser of human dignity and a
one that laughs at, ridicules and shows total contempt
for human rights and individual freedoms
. But the
American People cannot and shall not forget what
happened and will not side with or appreciate what
the President is trying to do, nor can they sell that
easily their Principles to the highest bidder
.  I urge
Biden to totally shun the Saudi butchers and
dictators, to invite the Iranians for talks instead
and try to negotiate a deal to significantly improve
relations with a much more civilized State and a
much more open, sincere and friendly Nation
. It is
high time both States worked on a rapprochement
in earnest. Perhaps Iran could be convinced that,
from a political, strategic and financial point of
view, it is against their interests to continue on the
path of nuclear technology
, be it for peaceful or
(obviously, even more so) military purposes. And
the United States can talk seriously with the
Iranians and with our Allied Nations about both
easing sanctions but, also, allowing the flow of
more Iranian oil into global markets
. Let us try
to do business with States, with which, even if
we do not agree with in many issues, we have
a degree of confidence that they are not going
to politely smile in our faces and hold a butcher's
knife behind our backs
ready to stab and dismember
us at the whim of their psychopathic, unstable and
derailed "leaders".

Μερικοί άνθρωποι είναι ντιπ ανίδεοι και/ή ψεύτες.
Ο Αναπληρωτής Υπουργός Εσωτερικών κ. Πέτσας
ξεστόμισε ότι "κάθε Ευρώ που περισσεύει, θα επι-
στρέφει στην κοινωνία
". Αν κοροϊδεύει το σύμπαν,
τότε το μόνο που μπορεί κανείς να κάνει είναι να
αγνοήσει τις ανοησίες και να μην τον ξαναψηφίσει
όταν έρθει η ώρα. Αν όμως δεν καταλαβαίνει, ας
τον βοηθήσουμε λίγο (όπως και τον Κυριάκο, γιατί
φοβάμαι ούτε εκείνος έχει πλήρη επίγνωση της
κατάστασης ως έχει). Ας υποθέσουμε ότι παίρνουν
μισθό 50.000 Ευρώ το χρόνο και ότι ξοδεύουν περί
τα 50.900 Ευρώ και έχουν και ένα δάνειο το οποίο
ανέρχεται στα 92.500 Ευρώ με μέσο επιτόκιο 1,4%,
δηλαδή περίπου 1.295 Ευρώ. Ήτοι έσοδα 50.000
και συνολικά έξοδα περί τα 52.195 Ευρώ (χωρίς
να λαμβάνουμε υπόψιν την μαύρη τρύπα των
92.500 Ευρώ, παρά μόνο την εξυπηρέτηση του
χρέους). Μπορεί η διάνοια ο κ. Πέτσας, αλλά και ο
Κυριακούλης, να μας εξηγήσουν πού βλέπουν τα
Ευρώ που περισσεύουν, διότι, ειλικρινά, οι δικοί
μου υπολογισμοί και η κοινή λογική δε συμφωνούν
καθόλου με τους δικούς τους υπολογισμούς... Ας
μην ξαναγυρίσουμε στο "λεφτά υπάρχουν" όταν
ζούμε με δανεικά. Τουλάχιστον απλούς υπολογισμούς
ελπίζω όλοι οι κυβερνώντες να έμαθαν στο σχολείο
και όπου αλλού εφοίτησαν.

Put*na Putina=Peter the Great!!

U.S. Senators, pass this bill!
Do not discuss it at all.
Simply pass it. Our Nation and our Children will be
all the better for it and History will remember your
willingness to make things, if not Right, at least a
little better
, and take us away from this dark and
antiquated mentality that costs to the most vulnerable
and helpless in our societies lives, carnage, pain and
. Do not send it back, do not send the bill
back to our children and their families to pay
PLEASE, DO IT! ``Later" does not cut it and does
not conform to any sense of reason any longer...


Bravo to the United States Authorities!! The only
language the ingratiating and ultra-corrupt leeches
surrounding the decrepit and incapacitated Putin
understand is losing $300M in a heartbeat, even
though, for some of them, the rapacious and shame-
less looting and feasting has been going on for so
long and has been of such magnitude that even
such huge amounts probably seem and sound
like small change. At least they have to realize
that, for them, there is no safe haven outside Russia,
that they are nowhere safe and that they cannot hide
behind riches, investments in properties or cash.

Τυχάρπαστοι, τυχοδιώκτες, αδίστακτοι, πολεμοχαρείς
και αιματοβαμένοι, όρνια και γυπάνθρωποι. Έχουν
επιστρέψει τη Ρωσία στην εποχή του Ρασπούτιν, στην
κολακεία, τη γελοιότητα, τον εξευτελισμό, τον εμπαιγμό
και τη διαφθορά, και έχουν επιφέρει εναντίον της
Ρωσίας σενάρια ταινιών και επιστημονικής φαντασίας,
τα απολύτως χειρότερα που εμείς φοβόμασταν μέσα
στους χειρότερους εφιάλτες μας κατά τη διάρκεια
της Προεδρίας Trump, ότι ένας ανισόρροπος, άρρωστος
εγωκεντρικός και εγωπαθής και ανίκανος πρόεδρος,
με απολυταρχικές τάσεις, θα μπορούσε, προκειμένου
να παραμείνει στην εξουσία όταν πια το τέλος του
ήταν ορατό, να δημιουργήσει εκ του μηδενός μία
τεχνιτή κρίση κι έναν απερίσκεπτο πόλεμο. π.χ., με
το Ιράν ή τη Βόρεια Κορέα, με καταστροφικές για
τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες και την Υφήλιο συνέπειες
και τραγικό κόστος. Αυτόν τον εξευτελισμό και τον
ευτελισμό δεν τον άξιζε η Ρωσία, ένα τόσο περήφανο
και ιστορικό έθνος. Καθάρματα, να πάνε από' κει
που' ρθαν και να βρουν αυτό που τους αξίζει. Έχουν
το θράσος και την ξεδιαντροπιά να μιλάνε κι από πάνω...
αντί να το βουλώνουν και να κρύβονται όπως αρμόζει.

I applaud the lawsuits and I encourage all tourists,
not only in Mykonos, but everywhere else, if they
have the patience and the means, to file lawsuits to
rid Greece of the price scourging and profiteering
on the backs of unsuspecting tourists for, essentially,
goods and services that an island over cost only a small
fraction of the charges. Take all those vultures to court,
break their scams and bankrupt their "businesses".

Εγώ στη θέση του θα ντρεπόμουν να πάω. Όσοι
έχουμε εμπειρία από το πώς λειτουργούν οι υπηρεσίες
στα δύο κράτη, πόσο λειτουργικοί είναι οι ιστότοποι
του ενός και του άλλου, πόσο το ένα σέβεται όσο το
άλλο ταλαιπωρεί τον Πολίτη και σε πόσες υπηρεσίες
στην Ελλάδα, για να γίνει η δουλειά σου χρειάζεται
(ακόμα) να πέσει το κατιτίς, πραγματικά ντρεπόμαστε
που κάποιοι έχουν το θράσος να μιλάνε για επιτυχίες...
Αλλά βεβαίως απ' αυτά που ακούω, δε φαίνεται
αυτός ο υπουργάρας να έχει μεγάλη επίγνωση της
κατάστασης. Είναι καλύτερη από πριν; Αναμφίβολα.
Είναι καλή, σε σύγκρiση με ανεπτυγμένα κράτη;
Σίγουρα όχι, ούτε καν συγκρίσιμη... Π.χ. ΕΦΚΑ:
Η εκκαθάρηση είναι χειρουποίητη(!!!) και είμαστε
στο 2019(!!!). Στις εισφορές δεν μπορεί κανείς να
καλύψει χρεωστούμενα, παρά μόνο να προσθέσει
πιστωτικά για μελλοντικές εισφορές! Χάρμα
ιδέσθαι το σύστημα δηλαδή... Τίποτα δεν κάνει
ουσιαστικά. Ούτε καν πληρώνεις και για να κάνεις
οτιδήποτε πιο δύσκολο, πρέπει να πας επί τόπου.
Εξυπηρέτηση από τηλεφώνου για κλάματα, email
ούτε συζήτηση. Κατά τα άλλα όλα ανεπτυγμένα
και όλα λειτουργούν ρολόϊ... Αυτές τις λεπτομέρειες
φαντάζομαι δεν τις λέει. Πάει και πουλάει μόνο
γενικολογίες ότι το ασφαλιστικό είναι πλήρως
αυτοματοποιημένο και παρομοίως για τα υπόλοιπα...
My advice to those who are ignorant and willing to
listen is either talk to the Citizens and ask them how
easy it is to do things
(and whether bribing is still
helpful) or, if you even get the chance and the
opportunity, rely on your own experiences or those
of friends
who had the chance to interact with the
Greek State Services. As a foreigner, you might get
a better than average treatment, but the ease and
quality of services one receives, relatively often,
would get an F- by American standards

The Iranians are a brotherly Nation. What their
State and Government do not realize is that they
do not have to possess the same type of regime or
to share the same ideas and the same opinions
with us on all issues. But they could have been
very close friends and allies with both the United
States and Israel, and this would have helped in
firmly establishing Peace, Security, Stability and
Prosperity in a tortured region of our Globe, with
Iran playing a central and decisive role. But, by
choosing to always play an adversarial and
controversial role and not taking enough steps
to reciprocate the openings and the Good Will
gestures, they are shooting themselves in the foot
and, ultimately, are veering away from their
own interests and diminishing their potential.
And one last thing that I am going to repeat
for the umpteenth time here: Diplomats,
Journalists and Sailors are among those
professionals that deserve Universal Respect
because they are trying to bring States and
People together, emphasize our common
Humanity and our common interests, work
to keep us informed on how our brothers and
sisters around the Globe are faring and work
tirelessly, oftentimes under dangerous conditions,
to transport the goods we need to survive and
to enhance commerce and communication
. So ALL

From Iran and the Iranians, a civilized and brotherly
State and Nation, I am expecting nothing less.
! Free immediately those
who are simply trying to do their jobs and always
play a positive role
by bringing all of us closer
together in a more tight-knit Global Community.

Another sad reminder of who we have as police
officers in our communities and what they are
all about. Their bravado, swagger, aggressiveness
and harassing attitudes are manifest when they
stop people, especially blacks, Hispanics and
other minorities, for a broken light or an expired
driver's license and when they behave and talk
to them full of awe and authority as if they were
children of a lesser god... But when it comes to
real emergencies, to putting their lives on the
line to save other people's lives, they and their
"commanders" debate and wait and wait until
someone else shows up to take the risk and do
their jobs. They are doing neither those they
are supposed to protect nor themselves any
favors. It always gets worse and worse when
one sits down and ponders about it and wonders
what their real use and functionalities are... After
what happened, I would have been embarrassed
showing my ugly face wearing that uniform and
trying to explain the inexplicable and unjustifiable.
I would have left it at home and gone straight to resign.

Χαίρομαι πάρα πολύ που διαβάζω για τη μεγάλη
σοβαρότητα και υπευθυνότητα με την οποία
συζητούνται στη Βουλή των Ελλήνων τα μεγάλα
εθνικά θέματα και η εξωτερική μας πολιτική.
Όπως αναφέρει και ο κ. Δένδιας, και αξιακά αλλά
και από πρακτικής σκοπιάς, παρά την πολυπλοκότητα
αυτών των ζητημάτων, η θέση της Ελλάδας πρέπει
να είναι σταθερή και δεν υπάρχουν μεγάλα περιθώρια
για αμφιταλαντεύσεις και αμφισημίες. Χαίρομαι
επίσης γιατί, την παρούσα χρονική στιγμή, η Ελλάδα
διαθέτει ανθρώπους με μεγάλη εμπειρία, γνώση,
σοφία και υπευθυνότητα, όπως, π.χ., ο κ. Βενιζέλος
και η κ. Μπακογιάννη, τους οποίους οι κυβερνώντες
μπορούν να συμβουλευθούν και με τους οποίους
μπορούν να συζητήσουν και να αναλύσουν. Καθώς
επίσης και γιατί τέτοιες προσωπικότητες αποτελούν
αντίβαρο έναντι άτομων αμφιβόλου διαύγειας και
περίεργων και ύποπτων τάσεων,  που παραμένουν
σε εποχές περασμένες, με ιδέες και νοοτροπίες που
δεν αντανακλούν τις απαιτήσεις, την πολιτική και
τα συμφέροντα της Πατρίδας μας ως έχουν σήμερα.

Μπράβο στο in.g που μας τα θυμίζει. Γιατί αυτοί
έχουν φάει πανταχόθεν, και από μας και από τους
Ισπανούς, από χώρες και από λαούς που δεν τα
έχουν για πέταμα και έχουν περάσει πολλά βάσανα.
Είναι καιρός να ξεκουμπιστούν κι από κει, όχι μόνο
o Καρλίτος, αλλά και όλο του το σόϊ. Μία τέτοια
χώρα. με τέτοια ιστορία και τέτοιο πολιτισμό
(από πού ν'αρχίσει κανείς... λογοτεχνία, μουσική,
εικαστικές τέχνες) και τόσο μεγάλη επιρροή αξίζει
ένα μη-βασιλευόμενο Δημοκρατικό Πολίτευμα.
SPAIN, change the Constitution and make them
private citizens!
They do not deserve leading roles.

Ray Liotta, a good fella, is with us no more...

I have a big favor to ask from whoever in the News
Organizations has the resources and power to do this:
Could you build an easily accessible website, or a web
page under your news outlet's site, that would inform
us clearly, by State and by House of Congress, exactly
which candidates for Representatives and which ones
up for reelection in the Senate are pro-gun and which
support significant gun  restrictions, gun controls and
gun regulations?
That would be very helpful for all of
us, conscientious Americans, as we will be trying to
is devouring the lives of our Children and harming
and depleting our Cities
; "yes, but..." means "willing to stand
by, discuss and watch, as more and more of my Nation's
Children are harmed and while more and more parents
are terrified, helpless and inconsolable..."

Visit of the Greek Foreign Minister to Skopje.
A photo with his North Macedonian counterpart,

Another totally unacceptable and devastating
school shooting yesterday
. We are tired of prayers
and it is clear that prayers don't work and have
never worked. When it comes to money, and the
gun lobby and gun manufacturers filling up their
fat pockets, they do not pray. They take action,
they lobby our representatives to absolve them of
any and all responsibility and liability and they
research and fabricate more and more potent
and more and more lethal weapons to cause
more and more damage and to enlarge their
bottoms and fatten their bottom lines, and that
is what works for them. It is high time that we
also do something that works for us, instead of
engaging in meaningless prayers. WE MUST
In our States, we have already run out of time,
and our apathy and inaction are resulting in large
numbers of our most vulnerable, most innocent
and most unprotected of our Citizens, our own
children, paying our crushing bill, redemed in
blood, carnage and devastation.

Bravo to the Mayors of Athens and Izmir!
Only brothers and close friends. Peace,
Stability and Prosperity: The only values
that matter when it comes to fraternal
relations and close ties and cooperation
between People, Cities and States.

We knew this, but now it is out in the open with hard
documentation and names and facts bringing every-
thing together
I hope that the United
Nations does not mince its words or hide behind
China's permanent status in the Security Council.
These are clear signs of a despicable totalitarian
state's horrific, brutal and unacceptable treatment
of its non-Chinese, western ethnic and religious
minorities. SHAME ON CHINA! 
Recent developments in Ukraine, with the abject,
unprovoked and unacceptable, "special military
operation" and these heart-breaking and heart-
wrenching "re-education internment camps" in
China's western provinces show that Democracy
is the only political system that works
and that any
State with a system of absolutist, monarchical or
oligarchical, tendencies cannot be trusted or relied
upon to do the Right Things
, since, under those
polities, trust depends on one or on a few people's
whim and, usually, for those to remain in power
and enrich themselves, which are their main
concerns and priorities, requires oppressing and
forcibly subduing and suppressing any dissent and
any opposition and curtailing all freedoms, which,
by fiat, threaten the privileges of the one or few
in government and the status quo. In trying to
convince us that Democracy does not work via
those fake internet propaganda campaigns we
are, by now, so familiar with, the non-Democratic
regimes one-by-one are shooting themselves in the
, provide every thinking Citizen with proof of
their brutality and ulterior motives
, incompatible
with the interests of the many, the most needy
and most unfortunate, and reveal their true and
undeniable horrific, gut-wrenching, disgraceful,
excremental and despicable identities

Foreign Minister Dendias met in Tirana with
his Albanian counterpart, Ms. Xhacka, and
both reasserted the excellent level of bilateral
relations, which, however, are subject to further
improvements and closer cooperation in many
sectors and at many levels. The two States have
made the very positive decision to submit any
remaining issues concerning the delimitation
of their EEZ's to arbitration and have agreed
to work together to the mutual benefit of the
expat communities on both sides of the border.

HSBC does everything in its power to reassert
and continuously verify and justify its status as
one of the most horrible banking organizations
in business today
, together with Citi and Wells
Fargo. No matter what its boss says now, his
choice of "Global Head of Responsible Investing"
(can you even believe this?) shows what are the
bank's real opinions and priorities and how much
(or shall we say how little) it cares about doing
the Right Thing. It is all greed, avarice and
bottom line (literally and metaphorically)
. As
I have urged before, if you have the choice,
avoid banking with those three companies and
take your business elsewhere, someplace where
"responsible" means responsible.
I also heard, terrified, some comments that the
Catholic Archbishop of Baltimore made on NPR's
Morning Edition about abortion
. The problem
with this shameless organization is that, despite
its long term criminal behavior and its reputation
as a criminal, mafia-style outfit
, it still believes
that they hold the exclusive rights dealing "god"
on earth. In my view, people on this issue should
be realists. The Catholic Church is nothing more
than a vast and ultra-rich museum, which has
vast financial resources and has amassed through
the centuries, via mostly ungodly practices and
incompatible-with-its-teachings behaviors,
unbelievable treasures. So people should ask,
how would they feel if they were asked to bring
in their children to a museum to be taught A
and B and shown C and D, but the museum
had filled many of its positions of teachers,
guards, etc., with pedophiles and sex abusers,
having deliberately avoided background checks,
and shifting them around, instead of firing them,
when something suspicious happened? You know
the answer, but, just because we have been
brainwashed into believing that, somehow, god
have something to do with them, we are just
reluctant to treat them as we would treat any
other similar organization with that kind of
despicable, disgraceful and deplorable track
record. On moral issues, no person supporting,
much less affiliated with, much less being in a
leadership position in, such an organization
should have the shamelessness to give moral
advice or show us the "right" way...

Vangelis Papathanassiou is with us no more...

Poland, following Denmark, Iceland and Norway,
provided assurances to Finland and Sweden that,
if, knock on wood, one of them were to be attacked
before their formal accession to NATO occurs, it
would help in their defense. Not only would I like to
applaud those decisions in the spirit of Fraternity
and Cooperation and fierce opposition and resistance
to any attempts at naked aggression and brutality,
but I would also suggest that, if all other NATO
States (leaving Turkey aside) sign transitional
bilateral agreements to similar effect with those
Scandinavian partners of ours, then there would
be no point and no essential reason to waste one's
time to accommodate Turkey's unreasonable
demands on this issue. Our Eastern Neighbors
should realize that, when one talks of aiding a
partner defensively, in the face of an ongoing
aggression against practically one of our Neighbors,
one should encourage and support, instead of
trying to negotiate the "right price" as if we
were buying ottomans in an Eastern bazaar

So beautiful! In one of the most impressive prime
ministerial seats in the World
, like most things
Italian that is, Mario Draghi welcomed Sanna
Marin and pledged Italy's, and, I presume, the
whole European Union's support for Finland's
decision and desire to join the NAT Organization.
Who wouldn't want to be in the same family,
Brothers and Partners, with two powerful and
reliable States?

Oh sh*t! he's returning. Without a constitutional
amendment for a Republic, this family is going to
plague Spain for many years to come. Read my lips.

Γλώσσα λανθάνουσα τ' αληθή λέγει.

Those that rashed to criticize Council President
Charles Michel's proposal to confiscate Russian
assets and use them for rebuilding the destroyed
and tortured areas of Ukraine after the conflict
should think again. Why would States, and
ultimately People, who are in no way responsible
for the destruction and the carnage bear the bulk
of the burden, both in economic and in political
terms, for reconstruction? Those that were either
directly responsible, like Putin, Lavrov, Medvedev,
etc., as part of the inner circle of the demented
dictator, and supported and acquiesced to folly,
and those indirectly responsible, like the leeches
and the oligarchs who either openly or tacitly
encouraged and enabled this "operation" for
ulterior motives and personal gain, should pay
either voluntarily, through contributions, or
forcefully, through Court reparations, or via
a peace treaty with terms necessarily involving
ominous compensation packages, or through
enforced confiscation of assets. These should be
the primary sources of funds directed to do the
RIGHT THING, rebuilding what was destroyed
using the money and the resources of those who
were primarily responsible for the Armageddon
and the havoc wreaked by the Kremlin.

Now, with the entire Continent uniting and
constituting a single fist against naked imperialism
and brutality, Russians remembered that this is "our
Continent". Russia had the chance to play a bigger,
more important role than even the United States,
based on its culture, its history, its fraternal ties,
its proximity and its geopolitical and economic
relations in the Continent. But this would have
to be an open, generous, fraternal, extroverted,
confident and peaceful Russia, with institutions
that would be trustworthy and working for the
majority of its Citizens and not for only a small
minority aligned and subservient to a single man.
It is too late now for Russia and its incompetent,
incapacitated and bankrupt leadership to express
regrets and to remember "their Continent" and
what their position in it could have been, had
they not shot themselves in the foot and messed
up politically and militarily big time, causing
havoc, heartache and devastation in a scale
unimaginable since the baseness, arrogance,
aggressiveness and brutality of the Nazis.

Russian friends of Putin are trying to convince us
that "Finland and Sweden are going to feel more
afraid and stressed in NATO than they have been
outside". Perhaps, Ukraine also felt less agitated
outside of NATO, knowing that its Citizens had
fraternal and historic ties with the Russian People.
But was that calmness justified? Was that "peace
of mind" and "less fear" of any use? If those
analysts propagating Putin's propaganda wish
to discover the reasons why these arguments are
totally erroneous and unsubstantiated, they should
look carefully at, and analyze rationally, the situation
of Ukraine before their boss's brutal invasion,
unprovoked aggression and devastating war. Then,
maybe, but unlikely, they will shut up or dance to a
different, more thoughtful and more convincing tune.

: Who is the worst dictator/czar/president in the
history of Russia/Soviet Union who has single-handedly
trashed Russia's remaining (in relative terms) credibility,
planned, initiated and executed a war of aggression
against a brotherly state, involving war crimes and
grave violations of International Humanitarian Law,
and gutted, through rampant graft and corruption,
Russia's military, transforming it into a shadow of its
former self, with fictitious capabilities, technologically
deficient and antiquated? You guessed it. Si señor...
Russia needs urgent change. But not primarily by
finding a way to disengage itself from this terrible
conflict and the serious blunders and miscalculations
in its foreign and defense policies, which are only
symptoms of its deep maladies. It needs first and
foremost to change its incompetent and incapacitated
"leadership" and to try from scratch to institute,
instead of a failed kleptocratic autocracy, an open
and genuine Democracy and a regime open and
enthusiastically responsive to alliances and ready
to reciprocate and cooperate with all other states
which are eager and willing to extend a hand of
friendship. In a nutshell, Russia has nothing to
worry about and, therefore, it should not behave
with suspicion and defensively, as its current,
mentally deficient and delusional, leadership has
forced it to do. It should, instead, aggressively
pursue open policies of coordination and coope-
ration with, not only all its neighboring states
but with, all other Nations of our World. This is
the only way for a state to earn Respect and to
safeguard its interests and to achieve its goals.

Turkey has no open problems, political or otherwise,
with either Finland or Sweden. Therefore, it has no
right whatsoever to interfere with the free will and
the sovereign decision of either of these two States
regarding their membership in any alliances and
any International Organizations that they choose to
be part of
. Putin and Erdogan have to realize that,
regardless of how powerful a State is, it has no right
and no authority to curtail the freedom of other
states or to interfere and/or prevent them from
making their own decisions. With the proviso, of
course, that those decisions are not hurting or
interfering with the rights of other States, which
in the case of Finland's and Sweden's wish to join
NATO is patently clear, since they just want to make
sure that their own safety is guaranteed and safe-
and they have no ill-will, no claims against,
and no aim to undermine the safety of any other state

Where does the stupidity of a nation end and
reason start when they elect as President a
member of a family of a brutal dictator who
had trampled mercilessly on Individual
Freedoms and Human Rights
, who damaged,
hurt, maimed and murdered so many people
and who plundered his state's coffers so that he,
and all his family members, came out with so
much loot and treasures to last them, and
many generations of their offspring, many
times over
? Can Filipinos think at all or are
they really in a state of stupor and imbecility?
Does History not ring any bells at all? Is your
memory so short and your hearing and your
analytical skills so deficient? Is the blood of
so many that resisted and fought for better
days for the Philippines so meaningless and
inconsequential for current choices and for
the future? My heart breaks for this very
unfortunate and mismanaged and undervalued
(by its own Citizens) country and lament for its
future because the choices of its people are so
poor and so thoughtless that the omens are not
good at all. What can one think or say?
What more would you have needed to see or
learn so that you would have decided to lock
the legacy of these individuals firmly in the
lockers of History and throw the key in the
Philippine Sea so that the phantoms of the
Marcoses - all of them - would never be able
to come back out, haunt with their disdainful
and despicable faces and do more damage and
cause more havoc? PITY, PITY...
If you ever wonder why people commit crimes
and atrocities while in power and why they do
not care or bother, that is why. Because they
know you shall forget and, instead of meting
out suitable punishment, you will reward them
and reelect them and celebrate them on top of
that... How much more absurd can things get?

A sick and dilapidated individual, with his and
his country's credibility below zero, who, had
things been slightly more reasonable in Russian
polity and politics, would not have even dared
show his sorry face at "victory day" celebrations.
Celebrating Historic Circumstances and Historic
Occasions from our past is only possible when
we have thought about those deeply enough to
be able to draw hard lessons and to be able to
use them to the benefit of Humanity. When we
clearly either deliberately ignore or distort or,
even worse, pee on those lessons, we are not in
a position to either lead or "celebrate" such
occasions. This day will be remembered as the
day of the "big insult and disrespect" to the
memory of all those who sacrificed so much
and who suffered for a better future
and a day
of the "ultimate disgrace and total humiliation"
of a decrepit and bankrupt "leadership"

Κυριάκο. δίνεις και δίνεις και δίνεις χωρίς να έχει η Ελλάδα
τους πόρους. Όλα με δανεικά. Μην τα κάνεις μαντάρα, όπως
ο αχάμπαρος Κώτσος και ο ανίδεος Τζώρτζης, και χρειαστούμε
πάλι Γεωμετρία, κόψε-ράψε και εξωτερική βοήθεια επιγόντως
για να μη φαλιρίσουμε. Θα είναι πραγματικά τραγικό να την
έχουμε γλυτώσει στο παρά τρίχα και να μη μάθαμε απολύτως
τίποτα. Και οι Έλληνες δε θα θυμούνται τα 20 ή 30 ευρώ που
δίνεις για δήθεν βοήθεια για την τάδε ή δείνα υποστήριξη με
τα οποία δεν μπορείς να πάρεις ούτε 2-3 φορές ένα καφέ και
ένα κρουασάν... Θα θυμούνται όμως τη σπατάλη και την
χρεωκοπία και θα τα χρεώνουν εκεί που αρμόζει. Όσο για
τους "συμβούλους", αν το στουρνάρι και τα άλλα αρπακτικά,
δε σου λένε τίποτα και δε βγάζουν κιχ, μην εκπλήσσεσαι.
Αυτοί τρώνε με χρυσά κουτάλια και είναι το μόνο που τους
ενδιαφέρει. Είδες κανέναν τραπεζίτη να χρεώνεται καμιά
συμφορά όταν χτυπήσει; Τότε ξεχνάνε τί μισθούς παίρνουν,
κρύβονται πίσω από τα φορέματά σας και την ανικανότητά
σας, και αφήνουν τους πολιτικούς να χρεωθούν τη ζημιά και
να συμμαζέψουν τα ασυμμάζευτα. ΠΡΟΣΕΞΕ ΚΑΙ ΣΚΕΨΟΥ

Θα ελέγξουν και το κινητό του τυχοδιώκτη
μήπως και βρουν κανα πιο φτηνό διαμέρισμα
προς ενοικίαση
... αληταριό. Ούτε μία ψήφος
σε hacendados που το παίζουν αριστεροί και
εργατοπατέρες και σαγηνευτές του λούμπεν
προλεταριάτου... Κι αν δεν υπάρχουν σταυροί
αλλά λίστες στις Ευρωεκλογές, ούτε μία ψήφος
στο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ με τέτοιους υποψήφιους. Να τον
φέρουμε στην Αθήνα να ανοίξει γραφείο
real estate και γραφείο τελετών για όσους
χάνουν τα ευρωβουλευτιλίκια και τα τσιφλίκια.

The Supreme Court wants us to believe that the
leak was unauthorized. But, they may have leaked
the "ruling" on purpose
to gauge the backlash and
how overwhelming and decisive the opposition to
our State's return to the dark ages (in an era of
strict patriarchy, where women are oppressed
and their bodies and views governed by a male,
overwhelmingly old and white, majority in deci-
sion-making bodies, which makes the rules for
them without them) would appear to be. What
cowardice and shame... DO NOT TAKE OUR

When you had been kissing his feet and licking his
d**k to profit and become ultra-rich, you should
have been thinking about these issues. You have
been part of the entourage that made this guy
a monstrosity, a cold blooded war criminal and
a murderous, rabid dog and you have, with your
stances and attitudes, facilitated his uncontrolled
and uncontrollable ascent and his past and present
behaviors and actions. It is too late now to repent
and ask for forgiveness, simply because things did
not end up that well for you and others in similarly
privileged positions. For people like you, and your
peers, the Japanese have the only fitting solution,

Why is a minority of people in our country allowed
in a, supposedly, Democratic Regime, to bring our
Nation, a Pioneering and Progressive Nation in many
respects, with great contributions that have positively
affected many other Nations on Earth, back to the
darkest ages? Why is abortion still an issue in 2022,
while at the same time we pretend to care about the
Rights and Treatment of Women, and why do people,
"officers" in particular, trying so hard to return us
to a lawless far west, by shooting whoever moves at
whim and unjustifiably, irrespective of whether they
pose a danger to any other person or not? When are
those very basic things and attitudes going to change?

Ο Πίνατ "ενίοτε δαγκώνει και κανέναν", ενίοτε
κάνει και τον ανήξερο...

To get a fistful of dollars more one may appear
nude in the den of the person that showed zero
respect for his Nation and for its Citizens and
who peed on International Law. That's who
Erdogan is. All the rest about "values and ideals"
are mentioned only when it suits his ambitions
and his personal interests. Very small for Turkey.
Turkey truly deserves much better.

It is a Fundamental Principle, directly implied
by those of Independence and Sovereignty, in
International Law, that every State has the
Right and the Freedom to decide on its Alliances
and Memberships in International Blocks and in
International Organizations and Structures.
Covert or overt use of threats of force against
those fundamental freedoms and rights
constitutes a blatant violation of the Charter
and should be universally, unhesitatingly,
vocally and unequivocally condemned. Russia,
despite the lethal, debilitating, unfortunate and
self-destructive choices of its predecessor State,
has not learned the lessons of History and still
thinks that its has the right to unilaterally
impose spheres of influence and to threaten
and/or prevent its Neighbors from deciding
on their own, as independent and sovereign
international players, which decisions to
make. This is simply unacceptable and
untenable and, I hope, all other 190 odd
Member States of our United Nations are ready
to condemn and to unequivocally oppose. (I am
not counting Belarus and other Russiastans,
which are de jure independent but de facto
Russian provinces, which is exactly what all
other states are trying to avoid at high cost.)

Russia, like most other States on the Planet, has
a dark gray history. But the Kremlin, and its
mouthpieces, are picking and selectively present
the light parts and silence or conceal the dark
sides. And they do the same with dates, by
purposefully and systematically starting and
stopping the clock of History at exactly those
dates and events that give their State the
advantage and make it look and sound better.
History, unfortunately, consists of the totality
of events, and, despite the wishful thinking of
some, the Judgment of History comes not from
one or more good or bad deeds, but from the
total contributions and from the calamities,
atrocious acts and tragedies that a State and
its positions, its attitudes and its actions have
caused throughout Human History, to either
the benefit or the detriment of Humanity.

The ``fierce resisters of the hostile takeover" are
negotiating with the eccentric on how much money
he is willing to give them... Their rhetoric wanted
to portray them as brave Ukrainian fighters on
the last stance against a terrible aggressor wanting
to devour their company and deprive them from
their god-given rights... Now they are negotiating
at which amount to sell their land, their mothers
and their offspring to the "enemy", as long as the
price is right... That is how "business" and its
"terminology" warps our reality and tries to
sway our point of view towards a coocoo land...

When they engage in bullying, they are
"brave", shameless and rambunctious.
When they are called to account, they
become cowards, deny all their actions
and involvement and cry innocence like
5 year olds. That is who you elect and
that is who we have in our Congress.
Congratulations, "unyielding", "heroic",
"revolutionary" and "fearless" Georgia...

Παλιογυναίκες. Γεμάτες μίσος, καφρίλα και
Ανεξαρτήτως του τι ακριβώς
έχει συμβεί, τα τρία κοριτσάκια πλήρωσαν
χωρίς να χρωστούν σε κανένα, με τη ζωή τους,
τουλάχιστον αμαρτήματα και παραλήψεις,
και, μάλλον όπως όλα δείχνουν, εγκλήματα
και ζωώδη, φονικά, παγερά, διαταραγμένα
ένσττικτα γονέων, οικογενείας και πέριξ.
Τι τους πειράζει και τους ενοχλεί, λοιπόν,
όταν άλλοι, από συμπάθεια και ευαισθησία,
αφήνουν κάτι στους τάφους με την, μάλλον
άτοπη και μάταιη, ελπίδα ότι ίσως κάπου
εκεί έξω το πνεύμα των μικρών να μπορεί
να ξεκουραστεί και να ησυχάσει. Όταν η
καλοσύνη, η ευγένεια και η στοργή στερούνται
από κάποιον όταν είναι εδώ, μεταξύ μας, δεν
αναπληρώνονται, δυστυχώς, πουθενά αλλού
και με κανέναν τρόπο ή μέσο. όταν πια είναι
πολύ αργά.

I am hesitant about the inclusion of Armenia,
Georgia and/or Azerbaijan in the European Union.
The deciding factors should not only include the
will of the applicants, fulfilling the requisite
convergence criteria and cultural affinity.
Geographical cohesion should also be taken into
account. Right now, states that are located in Asia,
beyond the Eastern borders of Turkey, cannot be
incorporated without creating significant geogra-
phical challenges to the Union. My view is that
we should focus first on that part of the Balkans
that must be incorporated, i.e., Albania, Bosnia,
Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and
Serbia. After this is done, a further expansion
may be rethought, but it should be calibrated
to avoid the creation of geographical, political
economic and cultural challenges that might
make the European Union simply a block of
Friends, without a common direction and
lacking the political affinity, the will and the
power to take bold steps and make courageous
decisions towards further integration and an
effective united voice.

Attention, FRANCE! Vous êtes aussi responsable
pour l'éducation and la direction de l'Europe entière.

``Rien dans le programme de Marine Le Pen ne nous
rapproche de l’histoire de la France résistante,
humaniste, généreuse et ouverte sur le monde.

Rien ne relie Marine Le Pen à la France de Villon,
de Beaumarchais, de Voltaire, de Hugo ou de Camus.

Rien dans son projet et ses déclarations passées ou
présentes n’indique qu’elle a conscience de l’urgence
climatique et environnementale (quasi-suppression
des énergies renouvelables).

Rien, dans ses habitudes et ses choix de vie, ne la
rapproche des plus modestes autrement que par
le cynisme de paroles politiciennes.

Rien ne nous rassure sur l’idéologie qui l’anime
encore, derrière le discours policé."

It seems that the firmest and most unequivocal
to a mad dog's, a war criminal's, an
out-of-touch and out-of-control pseudo-leader's
irrational, reckless and catastrophic actions
is coming from younger, more idealistic, female
European Leaders, who have not yet been "diluted"
or "corrupted" by "diplomatic" ambiguities and
by realpolitik. And the World needs those voices,
because, although Diplomacy and Realism are
important in domestic and international affairs,
in some contexts, where the actions are savage,
inexplicable, beyond rationality, beyond words
and beyond imagination, idealism has to prevail,
and explicit and forceful condemnation, without
hesitation, restraints or equivocation, must be
heard loud and clear and must be heeded.

Geoffrey Pyatt
is concluding his Ambassadorial Term
in Athens and is returning to our United States. As
Greeks, we are thankful for his work and saddened
to see him go
, but wish him all the best in his future
assignments. As Americans, we hope that, his tenure
and all his experiences in a difficult part of our World,
with its current turmoils and adventures, both military
and geopolitical, will contribute to his being a force of
calm, of sound thinking and a proponent of well
thought out and deliberate actions
, not only in the
narrow interests of the United States, but supporting
All Humanity and the entire World in the interests of
Peace, Stability and Security and, also, on Individual
Rights and Freedoms. Thank you, Ambassador Pyatt!

The media try to parrot what Twitter's board want
people to think; that, supposedly, they are trying to
"fight" the eccentric's bid. And, in that effort, they
use those impressive term's, such as "shareholder's
rights" and "poison pill". These are construed by
the ultra rich, and those backers or helpers or
enablers of them in the academic environs, to
dress up and justify as noble and virtuous actions
that are simply meant to enrich them further,
always following their greed and avaricious
inclinations and instincts. The, so-called, "poison
pill" is not to "defend"Twitter against a "hostile"
takeover. They are welcoming Musk's bid with
open arms and are eager and willing to embrace
his money. It is only meant to force him to pay
them more, to force him, with or without his
explicit agreement, to artificially inflate, regardless
of the real value of their company. That is all there
is to it and all else is simply fluff to make it sound
better. The more appropriate term should be
"give us more gimmick" or "fatten our pockets
mechanism" or "oil for our beaks" or, simply,
as most of us would say "money, money, money
technique". But those of you that went to business
schools, you may use the sugarcoating if it helps
you sleep better when the truth gets simply too ugly
and too difficult to justify and handle bitter and bare...

What we seem to be witnessing in Ukraine is that,
because of the unprecedented corruption and graft
at the apex of the Russian State and hierarchy, the
military industrialists and officers had gotten the
message that money grabbing and free-for-all graft
and embezzlement is the order of the day, and
they have been siphoning funds, while claiming
nonexistent capabilities and effectiveness and
delivering crap that either does not work at all
or has serious drawbacks and does not conform
to the least to specifications. It is the equivalent of
believing that you have a modern and technologically
advanced army, navy and air force when, in reality,
the only battles you can win are those in close, one-
on-one combat with basic arms and artillery.
It is ironic that during World War II, after a certain
point in time, Hitler had completely lost track and
lacked any sense of reality because he either had
fired those generals that disagreed with his assess-
ments and provided a reality check or because he
thought he knew better but was demented and
delusional enough to believe that his army was still
superior in all capabilities and that his commanders
were simply hesitant, overcautious or outright incom-
petent... Does this ring a bell??...

Επειδή παρακολουθώ ότι συνέρχεται συνέδριο του
, θα ήθελα να επαναλάβω ότι, ασχέτως
πολιτικών πεποιθήσεων, και ασχέτως πάρα πολλών
ανομαλιών και αφερεγγυοτήτων, ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ άφησε
και μερικές καλές παρακαταθήκες που, ίσως, να
μην πρέπει να θεωρούμε αυτονόητες για τα Ελληνικά
δεδομένα. Πρώτο και σημαντικότερο, φυσικά, η
συνέπεια στη δυσάρεστη, αλλά άκρως απαραίτητη,
υλοποίηση του προγράμματος αποφυγής χρεοκοπίας,
που παρά τα πολλά λόγια και τις δήθεν καλωσύνες,
ειλικρίνειες και σοβαρότητα, ούτε ο Κυριάκος ούτε
ο Γιωργάκης έχουν βγει ευθέως να αναγνωρίσουν,
ούτε και να παραδεχτούν ότι οι δικοί τους τά' καναν
μαντάρα και ο Γεωμέτρης τα συμμάζεψε...
Δεύτερον, και εξίσου σημαντικό, η Συμφωνία των
Πρεσπών, που κανείς άλλος, χωρίς προσανατολισμό
και ιδεολογία άκρως προοδευτική, δε θα τολμούσε.
Και αυτό ο Κούλης, αντί να παραδεχτεί, ακόμα το
φυσάει και δεν κρυώνει, αλλά τουλάχιστον το σέβεται.
Και τελευταίο, Ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ υπερέβη τα αριστερά
στεγανά και συνεργάστηκε στενά με τις Ηνωμένες
Πολιτείες, και στις βάσεις των στενών σχέσεων που
καλλιέργησε, η ακόμα μεγαλύτερη προσέγγιση με
την πιο ισχυρή Δημοκρατία του Κόσμου συνεχίζεται.
Δεν έχουμε λόγο να μην είμαστε στενοί σύμμαχοι,
και τα προβλήματα του παρελθόντος πρέπει να
μας αφήνουν μηνύματα και μαθήματα, αλλά να
μη χρησιμοποιούνται ως άλλοθι για αντιδραστικότητα,
ιδεολογικά στεγανά και να βλάπτουν τις διεθνείς μας
σχέσεις και τη συνεργασία μας με όποιες χώρες μπορούμε
και με όποιες χώρες υπάρχει αμοιβαία σύγκλιση σε
τόσα πολλά ζητήματα.
Κλείνοντας, όμως θα ήθελα να τονίσω και τα μεγαλύτερα
παράπονα από το Συνασπισμό. Και όλα έχουν να κάνουν
με άτομα ιδιαιτέρως απεχθή και αφερέγγυα, τα οποία
έβλαψαν και βλάπτουν την Ελλάδα, τον Πολιτισμό μας
και την Εντιμότητα και την Διαφάνεια της πολιτικής και
κοινωνικής ζωής της χώρας και προκαλούν ντροπή.
1. Ο Βαρουφάκης έκανε τεράστια ζημιά στην Ελλάδα.
Το να κάνεις τον γενναίο και να απαιτείς, όταν χρωστάς
και επαιτείς, είναι ταπεινωτικό και εξευτελιστικό.
Ελληναρισμός (με την κάκιστη έννοια) στο έπακρο...
αλλά τουλάχιστον ο Αλέξης τον κατάλαβε κι έφαγε
φύσημα. Αλλά δεν θα έπρεπε να είχε επιλεγεί εξαρχής,
η ούτως ή άλλως, γιατί η αφερεγγυότητα, ο στόμφος
και η βαρυγδουπιά έτρεχαν από τα πατζάκια του...
2. Ο ανόητος και κουζουλός trumpούκος βοσκόμαγκας
από τη μεγαλόνησο, που ό,τι κάνει κι ό,τι πει προκαλεί
ντροπή και σιχαμάρα, έπρεπε να έχει διαγραφεί προ
πολλού, αλλά κάτι έχει συμβεί με τον Αλέξη και δεν
τολμάει να του δώσει τα παπούτσια στο χέρι και μία
δυνατή στον πισινό και να τον ξαποστείλει πίσω στο
μαντρί, παρόλο που έχω την υπόνοια ότι κι εκείνος
πρέπει νά' χει ξεπεράσει το αμήν...
3. Το ίδιο και με το αληταριό τον Ευρωβουλευτή, που
προκαλεί το κοινό αίσθημα. Όταν η δήθεν ιδεολογία
και οι πράξεις είναι παντελώς συγκρουόμενες και
προκαλούν αηδία και, από πρακτική σκοπιά, δείχουν
οπορτουνισμό και ξεκάθαρη σύγκρουση συμφερόντων,
ένας σωστός αρχηγός θα έπρεπε να έχει το θάρρος να
ζητήσει εξηγήσεις, να  διαγράψει και να αποπέμψει,
ώστε να μην υπάρχουν υπόνοιες και ενδοιασμοί
σχετικά με το τί πρεσβέυει αυτό το κόμμα και τις
ιδεολογικές του κατευθύνσεις.

Άλλ' αντ' άλλων... Το κάθε κουμάσι με το ψώνιο του.
Από διαστημόπλοια για να σωθεί η ανθρωπότητα, σε
ηλεκτροκίνητα αυτοκίνητα για να σωθεί ο πλανήτης,
στο τουίτερ για να απασφαλίσει τις πλήρεις δυνατότητες
του. Μωρέ, δεν πάμε καλά. Πάντα το μυαλό στο πως θα
διαχειριστούμε λεφτά άλλων για να γεμίσουν οι τσέπες
μας φλουριά και η ασυναρτησία σύννεφο, με τον εγω-
κεντρισμό, την εκκεντρικότητα και την τρέλα να τραβάει
την ανηφόρα με σημαίες και με ταμπούρλα.

Από την κουζουλάδα, τα γά**σε ολοκληρωτικά.
Ψέματα, φαντασιώσεις και ασυναρτησίες, έχουν
φέρει τη Ρωσία πίσω στην εποχή του Ρασπούτιν.
Αρπακτικά, κλεφτρόνια, τυχάρπαστοι και τυχο-
διώκτες, χωρίς καμία ηγετική και εποπτική ικανότητα,
με μόνο όπλο την απειλή, τον εξευτελισμό, τον κυνισμό
και τη φοβέρα. Ας ελπίσουμε να βρουν τελικά αυτό
που τους αξίζει και τους ταιριάζει.

Δυστυχώς, στις καπιταλιστικές μας κοινωνίες, οι
φονιάδες είναι, στην συντριπτική τους πλειοψηφία,
και φραγκοφονιάδες
, αλλά επίσης και θρασύδειλοι,
που, ενώ ξέρουν ότι αυτό που κάνουν είναι ανέντιμο,
άνανδρο και βάναυσο, αντί, όταν πιαστούν, να το
παραδεχτούν και να εκτίσουν την ποινή που τους
αρμόζει, κρύβονται πίσω από το δάκτυλό τους
και, ει δυνατόν, απέρχονται όλες τις ευθύνες και
φορτώνουν τα πάντα στους συνεργούς τους...

Ως προς αυτό καμία έκπληξη. Θεωρία και πράξη,
χέρι με χέρι χωρίς τις παραμικρές αποκλίσεις...

I believe that Dmitry Peskov spoke in codewords
because he could not express openly and frankly
his view, but his tone was definitively revealing.
I would interpret his comments as a self-negating
statement, signalling a rather positive disposition
towards the NATO alliance, an agreement that its
expansion is also in Russia's interest and a subtle
expression of the unofficial position of the Russian
security establishment that Peace, Security and
Stability in the Continent would be enhanced by
the accession of Finland and Sweden. Responsible
Russians can certainly discern that such a move
would prevent destabilizing efforts by mentally
incompetent or incapacitated individuals in
Russia's autocratic leadership from engaging in
disastrous moves and adventurous engagements
that harm Russia's position and prestige and
damage the Russian State and its interests.

I heard interviews of French People on the radio,
even French People from the colonies, claiming
that Marine Le Pen is now mainstream and the
"lady of the people", based on her latest statements,
proclamations, appearances and portrayals. I could
not even believe it! Are you French People so naive,
so pliable and so manipulable? Can't you recognize
a wolf that you've had on your steps, knocking on
your doors, offering the specter of neo-nazism, of
bigotry, of racism and of nationalism, for so long,
simply because, this time around, she came wearing
the skin and wool of the sheep that she had been
trying for so long to slaughter and that, with your
help, support and acquiescence, has managed to
nearly mortally injure and victimize? Are you not
aware that you are voting for almost the same evils
and the same phantoms that your countrymen fought
to defend France against in the last century and that
your countrymen and fellow Europeans are trying
to resist against and prevent from encroaching on
our Continent right now from both our Eastern
borders, but, also, from within?

"Civilized" countries have courts of law supposedly
to serve justice and protect the rights of their citizens.
But we see all over the World, again and again, that
those institutions are a scandalous sham to protect
and defend the privileges and the impunity and un-
touchability of those governing, the most fortunate
and the well-connected. Governments and "justice"
systems do not exist for, and do not care to the least
about, doing the Right Thing and redressing wrongs
and punishing perpetrators. They do so only when
the victims are among those whom they were truly
created to protect and defend, and not when the
victims are among ordinary citizens, who, of course,
are the ones that are paying for their existence and
their continuing sustenance. So courts' operations
and decisions are often a double slap on the face, a
double psychological torture and exhaustion, and
cause double anger, irritation and humiliation to
those ordinary victims who are unfortunate enough
to find themselves at their doorstep because, even
though they know that, more often than not, they
constitute a ridiculous charade, they form, sadly
and unfortunately, their only hope for vindication,
redress and some form of closure.

"Υπόδειγμα - πολιτικός ο Πούτιν... Δεν μπορώ να το
πιστέψω ότι ενώ τον υποστήριζα και είχαμε σχέσεις
πρώτου βαθμού έκανε κάτι τέτοιο. Δεν είχε δώσει ο
άνθρωπος κανένα δείγμα... ούτε την Κριμαία άρπαξε,
ούτε τον καουμπόϋ σε Γεωργία έκανε, ούτε μπιμπελό
στην Λευκορωσία και τις άλλες ψευτοδημοκρατίες
εφύτευσε, ούτε είχε υποστηρίξει τον Άσσαντ, ούτε
είχε πειράξει μύγα σε Μόσχα και Λονδίνο... Τί να
πώ εγώ τώρα. Είμαι σοκαρισμένος. Συνεργάζομαι
με τις αρχές στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες και στην
Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση για την επιβολή κυρώσεων."

If by "an open Eurasia from Lisbon to Vladivostok",
war criminal Medvedev means "as open as was the
Eurasia from the Western border of the GDR to
Vladivostok" before 1990, then he probably is less
informed and less smart than the West had been
giving him credit for, and this probably explains why
he is an eager and enthusiastic member of the team
of war criminals who should face severe consequences.
He, apparently, has neither analyzed nor pondered
over the reasons why all the States trapped behind
that hermetically closed door of "openness" rushed
so fast, at the speed of light, when the opportunity
arose, to join NATO and the Western Alliance and
to become Members of the European Union...

I would have said, perhaps, pity for Hungary and
that, somehow, I am sorry for this State and its
People. But that would not be the right thing to
say. They clearly fully deserve this and him...
As is the case with the charlatan Boris in the U.K.
The voters are the ones, after all, that give the
chance to unworthy people to govern, like we
did six years ago in the U.S. (or should I say, a
minority of us did), but doing this, after what
that party has done, for a fourth term is rather
beyond belief and imagination and shows a
certain political insensitivity, unwillingness to
seriously consider violation of certain fundamental
political ideals and a political lethargy and stupor.
In my view, even the fact, by itself, that such an
overwhelming majority supports the same person
governing for such a long time (when in all such
positions there should be automatic term limits)
proves that there exist deep pathologies in the
Hungarian polity and system and, perhaps, one
could suspect who has created them to benefit
himself and to advance  his own ambitions and
his own aggrandizement..

Very deeply concerning that, in a State of 5 million
people, the electorate finds itself trapped in a vote
between an alleged embezzler and an alleged sex
offender. When the political structures have nothing
better to offer than a choice between a rock and a
hard place (or shall we say a vault and a hard organ),
then something is terribly amiss in the way the political
system of that Nation operates. But, from the outside,
we cannot do much else except wait and see and hope
for the best..., and, perhaps prod and encourage
Costariqueños to get involved and try to change how
Costa Rica's institutions function for the sake of their
own future and the well being of their Nation and State.

It is time that the Western press started also talking
about Jus ad Bellum, not just Jus in Bello, or is that
very inconvenient because, perhaps, a certain person
in comfortable retirement at a ranch in Texas and
another shameless "sir", in comparable circumstances
at the Old Albion, may also be guilty of war crimes in
that sense and under that Law? That is why, when
we, in Western Nations, move for war, we should be
doubly careful. When our own history and our own
past actions are not squeaky clean, then our say, our
credibility and our conviction in the international
political arena and international fora become so much
more difficult, problematic and challenging. When we
act mindlessly and hastily, our future countrymen at
the White House or at State are so much weakened
and their power and leeway so much more limited.
NATIONS TO WAR; in unprovoked, damaging,
senseless and disastrous wars above all...
Let us also
LEARN A LESSON instead of simply attacking others,
and let us all abide by international law and by all of
the ideals we espouse and try to advance from now on..

This is not rocket science either, nor does it need
major intelligence. Wouldn't you be scared after
what you saw transpired in that room, where 70
year old "adults" and "advisors" were belittled
like 5 year old kids, and knowing that the harbingers
of adverse and disheartening and/or controversial
news in Russia often disappear or get poisoned
"of course by forces outside the Kremlin and
having nothing to do with the president"? Tell
us something more enlightening and more inte-
resting than the obvious, if you want to justify
the state expenditures and the incomes you are
getting (such as when you broadcast the day the
"little military operation" would start, and made
put**a putina really mad so that he had to dismiss
it with a condescending, but angry and irritated,
ironic remark ("they tell us it will be Wednesday,
but we are pulling exercise forces back"... my a**)).

Φυσικά και η αστυνομική έρευνα και η ιατροδικαστική
έρευνα και η εισαγγελία έκαναν πολύ μεθοδικά το καθήκον
και τη δουλειά τους, όπως είμαι σίγουρος θα πράξουν και
οι δικαστικές αρχές, ελπίζω σε "πολιτισμένο", και όχι σε
"ελληνικό", χρόνο... Αλλά δε χρειάζεται κανείς να είναι
ψυχίατρος ή ψυχαναλυτής για να διαπιστώσει ότι, όταν
μία μάνα λέει (α) η μεγάλη κόρη ήταν πιο καλά όταν
έχασε την αδερφούλα της γιατί ζήλευε και (β) δεν πειράζει
που έφυγε, εμείς θα κάνουμε άλλο (σαν να είναι αντικείμενο
προς αντικατάσταση), κάποιος έχει να κάνει με άνθρωπο
άρρωστο, ψυχικά ανάπηρο, όχι μόνο με φρικιαστικά και
αποτρόπαια χαρακτηριστικά, αλλά, μάλλον με κάποια μορφή
βαριάς ψυχασθένειας. Ό,τι και να γίνει, όποια και νά' ναι
η απόφαση, τα κακορίζικα τα κοριτσάκια δε γυρίζουν πίσω.
Το μόνο καλό είναι ότι μάλλον δε θα έχει πάλι την ευκαιρία
να σαγηνεύσει και να απειλήσει κι άλλον άντρα και να
"δημιουργήσει" και να καταστρέψει κι άλλες αθώες ζωές.

No State, including the United States, has any right
to go around thinking about changing regimes in
other States and, in fact, the fundamental principles
of Sovereignty and Independence
, which constitute
cornerstones of International Law, and are integral
parts of the Charter, explicitly forbid States from
engaging in such behaviors. Even though, historically,
the United States have not respected either the letter
or the spirit of these principles very faithfully, and
this had led to anti-American sentiments around
the Globe, I am certain that, right now, the United
States has made a deliberate and concerted decision
to abide faithfully by them,
and to urge all other
Nations to do the same. Having said this, there
are two things that have to be mentioned of urgent
necessity, as related to current developments:
1. All of us agree with President Biden's statement
    that Putin cannot remain as Head of State of
    the Russian Federation
. This is not a statement
    of American desires and/or machinations, but,
    simply an assertion of the fact that a person
    who has planned, initiated and executed a war
    of aggression against a sovereign state
, i.e.,
    a war criminal (according to a definition that
    the Soviet Union espoused in 1945), cannot be
    allowed to continue as Head of State of a Member
    State of the United Nations
2. Ordinarily, a war criminal, and/or a person of
    questionable mental competence and/or mentally
    incapacitated, would be urgently replaced by
    a States' other political structures (parliament
    or justice system) by a competent individual,
    who is vested wih the duty and responsibility of
    succession by the State's Constitution and is of
    sound mental state. But, in Russia, both the
    duma and the "justice system" are organs of
    the Presidency
, having long ago foregone their
    independent status. Therefore, what in all other
    States would have been done constitutionally,
    has to take place, in that case, through upheaval
    and violence
or it will not take place at all.
These facts make it necessary that Citizens of the
Russian Federation be proactive and demonstrate
vocally, insistently and unequivocally for their
"leadership" to charge, for the political situation
to evolve and modernize, and for institutions to
become truly independent and open, instead of
being in the service of a single derailed individual
who is leading a Historic and Proud Nation to
disaster, catastrophe and disrepute.

BRAVO to the soldier that, by taking in his arms
the immigrant child, showed in the best possible
way our Humanity, our Love and our Solidarity
with all immigrant communities. BRAVO, also, to
the schoolmates of Saidou Camara at the 1st High
of Agios Dimitrios
for coming out and showing
their love, their solidarity and for embracing their
schoolmate, who is going through difficult times,
with warmth and affection. YOU ARE THE ONES
. Μπράβο σας, παιδιά!!

I always supported Japan's Pacifist Approach and
always applauded Japan's politicians who talked
about a stronger defense posturing with moderation
and deliberate care. And I still do. But the current
developments in Ukraine and Eastern Europe make
my confidence and personal conviction less absolute.
It is difficult to urge politicians of a State which is a
neighbor of an international bully and aggressor,
and which has open accounts with them, to stand
down and to be moderate and patient. But I hope
that Japan continues on the path of Peace, Calm,
Friendship and Cooperation with All Other Nations
and States on Earth
and that Russia, with a changed
leadership in the near future, sees such gestures not
as a sign of weakness and surrender, but, rather, as
a sign of Good Will, and shows a desire and a will
to reciprocate and to become again a Peaceful and
Respected Nation, with Brotherhood, Solidarity and
Cooperation first and foremost Values in its National
Strategy and Priorities. We do need all Five Permanent
Members of the Security Council of our United Nations
to show this demeanor and advocate for these ideals.
Otherwise, our World will not be heading in the right
direction, towards the Unity and Brotherhood, which
underscored its foundation by our courageous, bold
and visionary forebears and towards which All of
Us World Citizens want it to head.

Russia, says Lavrov, "has many friends, allies and
partners around the world". Had, rather, after the
terrible, despicable and discreditable move and the
reprehensible, heinous War Crimes of its leadership,
including himself. I hope he remembers that the
Minister of Foreign Affairs carries also heavy
responsibility in the doings of his boss and his
, especially when he behaves like a
servile dog and is an active participant and pro-
moter of abject lies and nauseating and repugnant
propaganda and misinformation.

Deplorable personalities that showcase that formal
education does not imply necessarily that the person
who went through it is an educated person. It is also
a lesson that, when responsible people consider life
time (or even long term) appointments, they should
avoid at all costs appointing someone who has red
flags in his/her background and is a questionable and
highly controversial personality. I do sincerely hope
that our United States Senate learns from serious
past mistakes and does everything in its power to
avoid them in the future by being less partisan and
more thorough
. I also hope that our Supreme Court,
with the leadership of its Chief Justice, institutes
strict rules (not guidelines) on when a person is
supposed to recuse themselves when family and
other conflicts of interest make their participation
in decision making detrimental and destructive to
the functionality and reputation of the Court

Ο Σαχλαμαρέϊ Μπουρδόφ φαινόταν από παλιά,
ότι παρά την σοβαροφάνεια, ήταν μία επικίνδυνη
και κατάπτυστη, γλοιώδης προσωπικότητα. Τώρα,
με το πέρασμα της ηλικίας, τους απρεπείς και
αφερέγγυους νεανισμούς και τη δουλοπρέπεια
προς έναν εγκληματία πολέμου, έχει πλέον ξεφύγει
εντελώς, και ούτε κατ' επίφαση δε μπορεί πια να
διατηρήσει το πέπλο ευπρέπειας, σοβαρότητας,
κύρους και και βαθυ-στοχασμού... Αίσχος.

Η μητέρα λέει "ενδέχεται να πάσχει από ψυχολογικά
προβλήματα και να χρειάζεται εξέταση" και ενδέχεται
να είναι και διαταραγμένη και ασταθής, όπως εξάλλου
"ενδέχεται και να είναι μία γάτα που κάνει νιάου-νιάου
στα κεραμίδια". Μόνο, μέχρι να μιλήσει κάποιος και
μέχρι να ξεμπροστιάσει κάποιος από αυτούς του άμεσου
περιβάλλοντος ή όσους είχαν έρθει σε επαγγελματική
επαφή μαζί τους, αφού βέβαια δείξει την απαραίτητη
"ευγένεια" και τον απαραίτητο "σεβασμό" στα αγενή
και στα αναξιοσέβαστα, την πληρώνουν οι αθώες και
άκακες ψυχές με τη ζωή τους, που μόνη τους ατυχία
ήταν να γεννηθούν μέσα στο χάος, τον εγωκεντρισμό,
τη ζηλοφθονία, την κακία, τη μανία και την χοντροκοπιά...
Αρκετά... Όταν η παιδεία και ο πολιτισμός, με πρόφαση
καθωσπρεπισμούς και ευγένειες, επιτρέπει εγκλήματα
για να αποφύγει έγκαιρες παρεμβάσεις και προσωπικές
συγκρούσεις και έντονες αντιδράσεις, παύει πια να είναι
πολιτισμός στην υπηρεσία του συνόλου, και γίνεται συνε-
νοχή στο δόλο, το ζεμαμφουτισμό και τη βαρβαρότητα.

Neighbors and Friends. Peace, Stability, Security
and Prosperity cannot be taken for granted or
considered lightly, as the recent geopolitical
developments have shockingly reminded us.
And despite opinions and attitudes emanating
from several quarters, even hitherto considered
serious, sophisticated and experienced, Respect
for International Law and International Custom
and Norms is a sine qua non for People to coexist
in Peace and Security and to lead Civilized Lives
as this would be defined in the Era of the Charter
and, especially, in approaching the end of the first
quarter of the century after its adoption.
BRAVO to the President and to the Prime Minister
of Two Brotherly Nations, whose Histories and
whose Present are inextricably intertwined and,
therefore, together with their geography, lead to
a common Future and a common Destiny.

I urge the U.S. Congress to reconsider passing a bill
making EST the permanent time in our United States

and do away with Daylight Saving, which is obsolete,
bothersome and a distraction. This is a good occasion,
on the beginning of this antiquated "saving" ritual.
And a map that, for once, shows something uniting
and innocent rather than areas of destruction and
gains and losses of territory through barbarity and war...

Pure savagery and pure brutality... Go into a decent
and prosperous city, destroy lives and raze everything
to the ground out of a whim and because of irrational
fear, paranoia, illusions, delusions and megalomania,
i.e., mental instability... Unsuitable for anyone, let
alone someone with a claim to "lead" any nation...
Pity for Russia, a total disaster, undeserved catastrophe.

His unjustified and brutal war is only a "special
military operation", but the crippling sanctions,
which are not even a war (and that now, as I am
sure, he deeply despises) are a "declaration of
war"... A mental wreck, confused and mentally
incapacitated. Such a sorry a** of a "leader"...
Better with hockey, horses, judo and women than
with anything resembling situational awareness
or political dexterity in leading a nation. Pity...

Putin is urging others to "not escalate tensions"!!...
A mental wreck, confused and mentally incapacitated.
Perhaps not even cognizant of what he's doing. Very,
very detrimental for a Proud and Historic State. It is
time - high time - for radical changes in Russia.

President Biden gave a good State of the Union
address yesterday evening. He explained clearly
his priorities and his agenda. At times he was
not very articulate (I do not know whether he
has been like that from a younger age or that
is something that has worsened with age), but
we certainly miss the vision, the clarity, the
crispness and the oratorical skills of Barack.
The fact that Barack's "hope", his own agenda
and his aspirations remained mostly in words is
something that we are getting used to, unfortu-
nately, in the political life of modern America,
where the "balance of powers" doctrine does
not only fulfill its intended role as an overseeing
and watchdog idea, but acts also as a roadblock
and an impediment to moving forward with
adequate speed in conforming with progress
in both ideas and innovation in the 21st century.
And, which, to the contrary, occasionally brings
us back by decades by helping advance reactionary
and bankrupt concepts, such as opposition to
abortion, allowing war-grade guns everywhere,
without checks and oversight, and demolishing
the one-person-one-vote concept either by using
tricks and subtle, or not-so-subtle, restrictions on
voting rights or by gerrymandering in an open,
uninhibited and shameless way.

Για να διακόψουμε και λίγο μέσα στη συμφορά
και στο δράμα που αντιμετωπίζει ένας λαός,
ας παραθέσω από την αντιπαράθεση στη Βουλή
των Ελλήνων (θεσμοί που αναφέρουμε χωρίς καν
δεύτερη σκέψη και σχεδόν αυτόματα, αλλά,
υπό των περιστάσεων, προκαλούν πραγματικό
Δέος και Συγκίνηση): "Βρήκα πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα
και λίγο ποιητική την αναφορά σας ότι ανήκουμε
και στην Ανατολή και στη Δύση και στο Βορά και
στο Νότο. Είστε πραγματικά Τσίπρας 360 μοιρών."
Βέβαια, καταλαβαίνω την έννοια με την οποία ο
Αλέξης ανέφερε τα λεγόμενα, αλλά και το χιούμορ
με το οποίο τα παραποίησε λιγουλάκι ο Πρωθυ-
To come back, however, to the pain and the
suffering, and where our focus should always
be, here is a song by one of the most admired
and respected American songwriters of all
time, the Greatest of the Great, Willie Dixon.

There are rumors that the client state of Belarus, and
its puppet regime and subservient "leader", are going
to declare war and participate in the invasion and the
violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity
of Ukraine. I plea with the Belarusian Armed Forces
and their officers on the ground: If you get a signal
to attack your brothers south of the border, hold your
fire, depose and eliminate the dictator in your own
State and create the conditions to prepare for a free,
democratic and truly independent Belarus, based on
the same modern European Principles that only the
Russian Federation, under the stranglehold of a single,
erratic, unstable and mentally incapacitated man,
refuses to espouse, but for which, nevertheless, all
Citizens of Russia strive, and to which all People,
globally and throughout the ages, have aspired.

Και ένα ποίημα του Γιάννη Ρίτσου, μελοποιημένο
από την Τερψιχόρη Παπαστεφάνου, γιατί τα λόγια
δυσκολεύουν, ο κόμπος σφίγγει στο λαιμό και, παρά
τα λόγια και τις ανεπαρκείς δηλώσεις και ενέργειες
συμπαράστασης, ο κόσμος αλλάζει δραματικά και
με εξαιρετικά δυσάρεστο τρόπο... σα να μην έχουμε
μάθει τίποτα από την Ιστορία 3500 χρόνων...

They are animals. If they had seen a friend
of theirs in a pub suffer even one-tenth of
what George Floyd suffered under their
watch, they would have beaten his abuser
to an amorphous pulp. But, in this case,
they were standing around with pride, like
peacocks, as a man was murdered. Police,
you say? Savage brutes, more accurately.
These are the type of people "serving"
and "protecting" us and our cities...

Shameless, bulldog. How do you even dare talk
and give lessons about international law after
what your boss is doing? But you are clearly
a pariah, one of those worthless leeches and
c**ksuckers that we admired being gathered
in that room the other day, being punished by
"spanking" by the "tsar" as if they were five
year olds. Are you not ashamed, an old, almost
nonexistent man, serving like this in that role,
as if you have done nothing and seen nothing
and learned nothing and respected nothing for
an entire life?... Incorrigible savages and brutes.

What a despicable household. Some of its members
suing to hold others "responsible" and some of its
members paying settlements to evade their own
"responsibility". And amidst all thοse disparate,
demeaning and chaotic behaviors, the "queen"
insisting on still "exuding" an aura of nonexistent
"propriety" and "properness"...

And today... welcoming Israel's President in Athens.
It may be that the Barbarians are trying to return
Europe and its Peoples back to the darkest of ages,
but the Hellenic Republic, small and insignificant
in the big scheme of things as it may be, is trying
and giving its best to showcase to the World the power
of Friendship and Brotherhood and Cooperation, the
most mighty weapons in the arsenal of modern States
to build and cultivate international relations towards
stability, security and mutual respect and prosperity
to the benefit of all Nations.

It is also a great pleasure to see Foreign Minister
Dendias consolidating and deepening the friendly
ties between Greece and Senegal. We do seek
tight relations and strong cooperation in all
sectors with All Nations respecting International
Law and International Norms and, especially,
those that have strong traditions in Democratic
Governance and strive for, and support, Equality,
Solidarity, the Rule of Law and Transparency
both in their internal national and in their inter-
national political lives and relations.

It is always a great pleasure to see the leaders of
two brotherly states coordinating and cooperating,
instead of bullying and applying undue and illegal
threat of force and aggression. Maybe, perhaps,
Putin could learn a lesson or two on how the
Peoples of Europe, including the Russian People
(if they had the freedom to express their views
and their attitudes unafraid and unmolested),
would like their future to look like from Prime
Minister Mitsotakis and President Iohannis...

An irrelevant old man, who almost does not
exist, unilaterally decides to cause havoc and
to alter the order of the World, upsetting and
damaging countless lives and livelihoods.
And supported by individuals who only have
in their minds profiteering from conflict and
creating for themselves privileges and offices
that they could not have attained had it not
been for this perverted and unstable equilibrium.
There will be a point in time at which nations
will rise and will see that it is in their own
interests and to their own benefit to have open
and genuine Democratic Societies instituted,
and that they throw away all the agha hadji-
mulatovs and the sultan ahmadinovs and the
constantin batirenkos of out time, whose only
hope for aggrandizement and enrichment lies
in kissing the feet and licking the d***s of
individuals like Putin and of other equally

Τα γεγονότα και οι εξελίξεις τρέχουν τάχιστα.
Από τις δηλώσεις του Πρωθυπουργού κατά
την έναρξη των επαφών της Βουλγαρικής
Αντιπροσωπείας στην Αθήνα. Κρίμα που μία
μικρή χώρα βρίσκεται στη θέση να υπενθυμίζει
και να υπογραμμίζει σε ένα μόνιμο μέλος του
Συμβουλίου Ασφαλείας των Ηνωμένων Εθνών
τις αδιαπραγμάτευτες Αρχές της Χάρτας των
Ηνωμένων Εθνών, απαραίτητη βάση των
κανόνων και των αρχών που διέπουν σήμερα
τον Παγκόσμιο Πολιτισμό και την πολιτική.

"Η χθεσινή αναγνώριση από τη Ρωσία της μονομερούς ανακήρυξης
«ανεξαρτησίας» από τις αυτοανακηρυχθείσες δημοκρατίες του
Ντονέτσκ και του Λουχάνσκ παραβιάζει κατάφωρα το Διεθνές Δίκαιο,
την εδαφική ακεραιότητα της Ουκρανίας αλλά και τις συμφωνίες του
Μινσκ. Και, όπως κάθε αναθεωρητική πρωτοβουλία, υπονομεύει τη
διεθνή σταθερότητα και την πρόοδο.

Η Ελλάδα, ως θεμελιώδη αρχή, σέβεται την εδαφική ακεραιότητα,
την κυριαρχία και την ανεξαρτησία όλων των κρατών. Καταδικάζει
συνεπώς απερίφραστα ενέργειες που αντιβαίνουν σε αυτές τις αξίες
και ως κράτος-μέλος της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και του ΝΑΤΟ
συντονίζεται ήδη με τους εταίρους της ώστε η αντίδρασή της να
είναι κοινή και ουσιαστική.

Η παγκόσμια κοινότητα έχει μία ευκαιρία να αντισταθεί στην ισχύ
των όπλων, στην αμφισβήτηση των συνόρων και των διεθνών
συνθηκών. Ο πολιτισμός και οι κατακτήσεις του 21ου αιώνα δεν
πρέπει να επιτρέψουν την επιστροφή του κόσμου σε συνθήκες βίας
άλλων εποχών και στις ένοπλες λύσεις των διακρατικών διαφορών.

Σε αυτό το μέτωπο κρίνεται τώρα η ευθύνη κυβερνήσεων και λαών."

I have no way of proving it of course, but the way it
all transpired and the way cops in this country of
ours operate and their racism and hatred, which are
very very deeply entrenched indeed, make me very
suspicious that this was not even a "mix-up", but a
premeditated murder that was rehearsed over and
over again and designed to "happen" on a person
of certain characteristics and not a random individual,
i.e., that this incident was planned not to have occurred
on a white individual who did not stir the passions
and deep feelings of the "police"-woman. I may be
wrong, but the evidence we have gathered for many
years and from many incidents points towards this
likelihood more than to that of it having being an
honest mistake, and to the likelihood that these
calculated and deliberate cries of "taser!" had been
well-planned and impeccably orchestrated to make
the incident seem and sound like an honest mistake,
for which one should justifiably maintain strong doubts.
So, YES, two years does not cut it, honest or (more
likely) not honest mistake. Sham "justice" and the
rigged system again let us down big time... Knowing
this, perhaps Minneapolitans would regret voting
against demolishing the "police" department in
their city, even though it was not clear that the
replacement would have been any better or that
it  would not have served only the interests of the
fortunate and the well-connected and continued to
abuse the weak and helpless in the same way, instead
of "serving" and "protecting" them. Unless, of course,
they perceive "serving and protecting" as sending
them to join the "lord" earlier than their due time.

Αυτός ο άνθρωπος μας έχει πεθάνει στην ανοησία
και στη μουρμούρα... Κι αν δεν τον είχε βοηθήσει
το Αμερικανικό Δημόσιο με δάνεια και με συμβάσεις,
θα ήταν και φαλιρισμένος και ως επενδυτής και ως
μπίσνεσμαν. Με άλλα λόγια τα μόνα χαρακτηριστικά
του, που τον έχουν διασώσει, είναι ότι είναι αδίστακτος
και ξεδιάντρωπος (όπως και τόσοι άλλοι "πετυχημένοι"
που κάνουν τους σπουδαίους και μεγαλοπιάνονται...).

He has the "LIAR" label written and exhibited
all over his forehead. If either the British State
or the "crown" (what a "crown"...) put their
hands in their deep pockets and pay up for this
arch-liar's and a**hole's settlement money, this
would constitute another painful and demeaning
slap in the face of British "subjects". My view
is that it is high time they did away with their
"royal" traditions, which are anachronistic and
have become injurious, irrelevant and utterly
lamentable and unjustifiably and provocatively
expensive, and institute a modern Republic.

Επειδή είναι πολύ δύσκολο να αποχαιρετήσει
κανείς τέτοιους Ανθρώπους και να συλλάβει
το έλλειμμα που αφήνουν πίσω τους, αλλά και
το βάθος και τη σημασία του παραδείγματός
τους, θα επαναλάβω μόνο τα λόγια της Προέδρου
της Δημοκρατίας μας:
«Γνώρισα την Ευστρατία Μαυραπίδη, το καλοκαίρι του 2020,
στην επίσκεψή μου στη Λέσβο. Απλή, γλυκιά και βαθιά ανθρώπινη,
όπως η ξαδέρφη της Μαρίτσα Μαυραπίδη και η φίλη της Αιμιλία
Καμβύση, οι θρυλικές πλέον γιαγιάδες της Συκαμιάς, ήταν δεμένη
με τα στοιχειώδη της ζωής, με τον πυρήνα του βίου, και γι’ αυτό
ικανή να γίνει μάνα και γιαγιά για τα παιδιά όλου του κόσμου.
Την αποχαιρετούμε με θλίψη και συγκίνηση, και μαζί της
αποχαιρετούμε μια γενιά παράδειγμα για τις επόμενες, που
πορευόταν με μέτρο τον άνθρωπο, προσφέροντας αφειδώλευτα
αγάπη και βοήθεια χωρίς να επιζητεί ανταλλάγματα ή αναγνώριση,
αλλά αθώα, ανυστερόβουλα, από το περίσσευμα της καρδιάς της».

If they were paid lavishly for ten years to prepare
and file them, I do not understand how they can
turn around after all these years and simply
"renounce" and declare something they played
such a huge role in as "unreliable". They should
be held accountable under Law and punished
severely and made an example
so that in the
future, in similar cases, firms not be allowed
to deny responsibility for something they have
been taking money to do for so long and which
they were happy doing when the dough was
flowing in and when the power and potential
impunity was on their side.

People have a hard time accepting that our mortality
leads us sooner or later to irrelevance and they are
willing to risk their reputations in a desperate, but
doomed, effort, to stay relevant when their time is
up, which, of course, has the opposite effect of that
they were wishing for
and totally defeats the motives
behind their antics and their shenanigans.

We are essentially in the first stages of a war.
The fact that the surrounded state is holding
back and not responding, either because it is
impotent or because, according to its rational
and very accurate calculations, any engagement
shall cost it much more than any ensuing benefit
does not really alter the reality or developments...

It is a great pleasure to see the Prime Minister
welcome the President of Montenegro to Athens.
They reaffirmed the warm and tight relationship
between the two States, the constant and firm
support of Athens for the European integration
of the entire Balkan Peninsula as a means to
ensure a lasting Peace, Stability, Security and
Prosperity for all neighboring nations, and, also,
promised to jointly explore further avenues for
the deepening and strengthening of these, already
existing, excellent bilateral ties. Way to go!

One wonders why he did not think the same thing
when he was representing Russia's stance on Crimea?
Had not Russia agreed after the dissolution of the
Soviet Union to respect the status quo of the borders
between the former soviet republics? And how come
then the "whether you like it or not..." did not apply
in that case then? What Putin really meant to say,
instead, was "if the strong side wants to violate the
weaker, there is nothing the weak can do..." What a
pity that almost 80 years after the end of the War
and the establishment of the United Nations, it all
has come down essentially to that same despicable
and unacceptable fundamental truth?

The distance at the table suggests the real divide
between the two sides that is hidden behind the
lovely statements and the "magnanimous" mutual
pats in the back. The impression is that Putin, by
holding meaningless, open-ended talks, without any
possibility of a concrete, tangible and implementable
outcome, is buying time to launch an attack that,
after the announcement of limited-effect counter-
measures, will create a new status quo in Europe
for the foreseeable future. The only real and likely
counter-measure is the effect of time on people's
consciousness. A few decades from now, with new
leadership in Russia and with renewed passions
for Freedom, Transparency and Equality on both
sides of the divide, the Ukrainian situation will be
reexamined and drastically altered, either unilaterally
or by mutual agreement, as will also the situations
in the presently existing satellite client "republics".

Καλά έκανε ο Κυριάκος και πολύ ωραία τα λέει και ο
. Αλλά αν η ευσυνειδησία του Κυριάκου σ'
αυτήν την παραδοχή δεν μετατραπεί σε ευσυνειδησία
του πολιτικού συστήματος "τόσο η χώρα θα παραμένει
διαλυμένη. Και υποκριτική αφού θα αποπέμπει έναν
υπουργό που έκανε ή εξομολογήθηκε ό,τι κάνουν και
όλοι οι άλλοι…"

I am afraid that the predicted Russian invasion of
Ukraine is almost a foregone conclusion, no matter
how terrible it might prove to be both in terms of
the World order and in terms of casualties, tragedy
and catastrophe. On the one hand, the build-up of
Russian forces seems to be intensifying and have
been held in preparedness and high alert, despite
the fact that Putin knows that the West is not a real
threat nor does it intend to make a first move. On
the other hand, the perennial Kremlin strategy of
enthroning puppets and creating client states in its
periphery to be able to manipulate them as vassal
states, and its inability to do the same with Ukraine,
means that invasion and forceful subjugation is the
only way Putin discerns in bringing Ukraine under
the same intended servitude as the other pseudo-
independent former russianistans.

Former President of the Hellenic Republic Christos
Sartzetakis is with us no more...

The idiot is taking a break from the corona-parties
and the debauchery to "support" Ukraine. What more
are we going to witness? One thing stands for sure; the
Old Albion deserves better than this mess of messes...
Why are its Citizens willing to back such a disgraceful
figure, who shatters the reputation of a decent State on
every single occasion, almost merely by being there?

History cannot be rewritten. And what naivete to
claim that racism is only hatred against other colors
and does not exist between tribes or between shades
and hues... Whatever misinformed people may claim,
it was about RACE, as it is about RACE what is now
being exposed for the zillionth time, and denied equally
vociferously and equally meaninglessly by the perpe-
trators, that the Jewish State is segregating, discrimi-
nating, oppressing and inflicting hardship and pain
upon those Citizens and non-Citizens of "the chosen
land" who do not happen to be among the "chosen
race", but happen to be, by race, only gentiles and,
hence, unworthy to share the "state of the chosen
people", yet denying them their own homeland.

Sergio Mattarella is a deeply respected and beloved
figure, not only in Italy but in most other Capitals
of Sister States as well. Who can blame the Italian
political establishment for not finding an alternative
in such times, despite Mr. Mattarella's advanced age
and his expressed preference in retiring from political
life? I am sure his re-election will serve Italy well.

We do not want crass personalities in charge of our
teams, of our companies or of our politics
. We may
not want to go to wars any more to militarily defend
the dignity of other Human Beings, but we do want
our State to use the enormous political and economic
influence at its disposal to defend, protect and advocate
actively and insistently for the Rights of those fellow
Human Beings of ours that find themselves in much
worse situations than us and are cornered into dire
conditions and forced to sail in perilous waters
To say that ``we do not care" suggests that the person
in question is ignorant of the American psyche; not
the psyche of those that are willing to sell their mother
and father for the almighty greenback, whom he so
obviously represents, but of the average person in
the main street; those that us, average Americans,
meet and discuss with every single day of our lives.
We'd rather stick with them; they may not have
mansions and Porsches and Ferraris, but they have
a Human Heart and care about Humanity and this
counts for much more...

An idiot is an idiot is an idiot.
We showed the way and very soon, I hope, the
British, the Brazilians and the Turks will have
to follow along the same path. Some individuals
are simply too much to even fathom, and prove
too heavy a burden to suffer, both at a human
and at a collective, political level.

Alekos Fassianos is with us no more...

It is funny how people who engage in terrorism, or
actively support terrorism, do not realize how well
they have it in our Western societies and want,
instead, to support horrific and despicable causes.
Now they think that by admitting - or, more likely,
under expensive and devious legal counsel,  simply
stating - in "remorse" that they had been "naive,
angry and arrogant", they would get out of their
predicaments with a clean sheet and continue to live
among us. Sorry, but naivete, arrogance, hatred and
stupidity have serious consequences and whoever
decides to follow that path should be aware there is
a steep price to pay and that we do not accept, for
such unimaginable choices and acts, a simple, and
most likely pretentious, apology as grounds for
forgiveness and full restitution.

I wholeheartedly support President Biden's initiative
and push to overhaul election laws. This is not for or
against Democrats or Republicans; it is a much needed
reform to protect and preserve the nature, the openness
and transparency, of our Democratic System and our
Democratic Institutions and to ensure that the principle
of one person-one vote does not get corrupted and eroded
I ask all Senators and all Representatives, but especially
so, the ones from our own State of Michigan, to do the
Right Thing, and stand with the President in this
important and worthwhile, perhaps his most important,
initiative. Back President Biden up on this one!! It will
make this Land and System of Government better for
everyone and it will pay off both short and longer-term.

David Sassoli is with us no more...

I urge Senator Menendez to rethink the Ambassadorial
appointment to Athens. It is not the right time to change
Ambassadors and, if that is unavoidable, no offense meant
against George Tsunis, but I am not certain he is the right
person for the post
. What I can certainly assert is that
merely the facts of Greek ancestry and business success
do not qualify one for the post and may not even be assets
in certain respects. Is there some kind of debt that the
Democrats feel they owe because of the failed nomination
by Barack for a similar post in Norway?

Sidney Poitier is with us no more...

Djokovic is the only party that bears responsibility
for this disgraceful affair. Firstly, being a World-
class athlete, he should never have taken the side
of antivaxxers, but he should have encouraged, all
along, people to get vaccinated and protect them-
selves and the ones close to them in the best way
currently available. Secondly, he knew that
Australia, being an island Nation and having gone
through a lot of pain with this virus, would not be
taking issues lightly or bending rules easily. So his
attempt at exempting himself from universally
adopted and universally enforced rules was, to
say the least, irritating and did not cause much
sympathy in any quarters (I would hope that this
is also the case in Serbia, despite him being a
flagship athlete there, as was the case in Greece
when Stephanos started mumbling inexplicable
and weird statements about vaccinations, and
despite being very loved and admired there.)

Βγαίνουν οι ξεδιάντροποι κομμουνιστές-βαρώνοι
των ακινήτων (διότι περί αυτού δεν υπάρχει η
παραμικρή αμφοβολία) και γαυγίζουν κι από πάνω.
Δε μας χέ***ς ρε σ**τοπαπαδημούλη...
Να μου πεις... "τώρα να σας χ**ω; Σας έχω χε**ένους
κι εσάς και την ιδεολογία μου εδώ και δεκαετίες..."
Απλούστατα, η αφέλεια και η ηλιθιότητα αυτών που
σε ψηφίζουν ως εκπρόσωπο του λούμπεν προλετα-
ριάτου και της εργατιάς ξεπερνά κάθε ανεκτό όριο...

I find our justice system totally incomprehensible.
Maybe the laws are so badly written and so warped
that there is not way sometimes to make sense of
the decisions and the verdicts. Maybe, the fact that
it is so biased for the affluent, ultra-rich and well
connected and against ordinary and lower income
people makes these decisions questionable and
inexplicable. How is it possible to find someone
guilty of defrauding investors because she told
them lies that a defective and non-functioning
"product" was operable, but acquit them of lying
and causing harm and damage to those individuals
that were actually misled in putting trust in the use
and effectiveness of that same deficient and/or
dysfunctional and/or malfunctioning product?
Could one be misled to invest but the other not
having been misled in relying on that one and the
same product? What an absurdity and morosity.
These decisions are shameful and they do not do
anything towards restoring at least a semblance
of confidence in a hugely biased and bankrupt
(non-)justice system... At least, I hope that for
what she did, she spends a couple of decades, at
least, behind bars and that, being affluent and
ultra-rich, does not get out scot-free on appeal...

May 2022 prove a signature year in attaining these
aspirational goals, of Peace and Security and of close
Cooperation between All Nations and at all levels, and
especially between the Permanent Members of our
United Nations on significant, fundamental issues.

The Queen has lost her mind... She is awarding awards
and titles for public disservice and for undermining the
credibility of the United Kingdom to people who, had
it not been for immunity, would have been incarcerated
for planning, initiating and waging a war of aggression
and for conspiring to undermine international peace
and security. No one in their right state of mind can
take such grave breaches of international law lightly
and, certainly, no one in their right state of mind should
reward "politicians" who played such critical role in
encouraging, aiding and abetting such deadly, costly,
devastating and disastrous acts.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Former President of the
Hellenic Republic Karolos Papoulias are with us no more...

Αυτοί δεν έχουν καμία έννοια ή συναίσθημα αδελφοσύνης
και υπευθυνότητας. Όχι μόνο δεν είναι "άγιοι" και δεν
έχουν καμία σχέση με πνευματικούς, αλλά είναι, τουναντίον,
υπηρέτες του διαβόλου και στυγνοί δολοφόνοι, και έχουν
το 666 τσιπάκι και την ξεδιαντροπιά βαθειά ριζωμένα στο
κρανίο τους, όπου ελλείπονται δυστυχώς παντελώς όποια
ίχνη φαιάς ουσίας. Κατά τα άλλα ο αδαής και αφελής
Κούλης, που αρέσκεται να περηφανεύεται για τα μέτρα
που έχει λάβει και την αποτελεσματικότητά τους, τρέχει
σα σκυλάκι στις αυλές και στις συκλήτους και χειροφιλάει
τα αιματοβαμένα χέρια και πόδια των παπαδαριών. Κρίμα
που έμαθε τόσα λίγα κατά την εκπαίδευσή του στην
αλλοδαπή και πού ο πολιτικός του οπορτουνισμός δεν του
επιτρέπει να βγει και να καταδικάσει και να καυτηριάσει,
αντί να παρακαλεί αυτούς που στέλνουν το λαδάκι του
Αγίου Λουκά (που να τους πάρει ο διάολος) να πουν και
σε κανένα ``πιστό" να κάνει το εμβόλιο ή να σταματήσουν
τις super spreader ``κοινωνίες" και ``ευλογίες". Κρίμα,
Κούλη... Δυστυχώς, ο πολιτικός σου σκοταδισμός και η
μεσαιωνική νοοτροπία και ο σκοταδισμός των ελληναρο-
παπαδαριών είναι συγκοινωνούντα δοχεία (περιττωμάτων)
και τρέφεστε ο ένας από τη βρωμιά και δυσωδία του άλλου.

I am listening again to ``Jokainen Arkiaamu" of our own
Mikis Theodorakis, with Arja Saijonmaa. What pulse and
what passion!... A sign of those times. A remarkable young
woman, who dreamed and walked with the Greatest.

Judge Colleen McMahon of the Southern District of
New York has overturned the settlement between
Purdue Pharma and the murderous Sacklers, which
was allowing them to escape scot-free from admission
of guilt, and with the vast majority of their blood-
soaked earnings, from the murders of millions of
our fellow citizens and the decimation of hundreds
of our small communities for financial profit, intact.
May Grace be with you, Judge! Why are
we in such a terrible shape as a Nation that it sounds
reasonable to any Judge to agree to a deal like that
with such individuals, when all of them are willing
and eager to condemn and impose very severe and
often disproportionate sentences on individuals who
have done much less, nothing even remotely appro-
aching serial obliteration for personal interest and
profit, such as that perpetrated by those despicable
excrements, those terrible, organized, rich and well
connected, "respectable" gangsters? Bravo, Judge!

If it had not been the U.K., I could possibly say that
I had been surprised on why it took them so long to
realize that they have in power a party let by a lying,
untrustworthy, charlatan with nonexistent credibility,
and to start voting in by-elections in such a way as to
send a strong message that such people and their
placing their selfishness and their own political
goals and careers above those of the Nation, would
in no way be tolerated or allowed to become main-
stream. But, as the saying goes, better late than never.

People are dying by the thousands every day, but,
perhaps because we've seen enough deaths and
enough suffering already that we should have
been completely anesthetized and completely
insensitive by now, South African "officials"
advise us not to be concerned; their "geniuses"
have dealt with enough deaths and devastation
of that same kind before that they can deal with
it again without any problems or worries. What
can anyone say? Laughable and ridiculous polity
and individuals all the way around. Pity for a
country that used to be a leader and an icon in
many respects to have such "leadership".

I am appalled, surprised and dumbfounded that
"state officials" call travel bans to help curb
a global epidemic a "punishment" directed
against a State whose population is worst affected.
I thought that, as a global community, we are all
fighting together to reduce the spread and to
alleviate the consequences of this pandemic and
that we - and our governments - are obligated to
do everything in our power to protect Citizens
and to help every other State to protect its own
Citizens as well. How does this accord, in any
sense imaginable, with a statement like this?
, who, by expressing
such opinions and by making such statements,
are undermining the World efforts to coordinate,
and offer assistance and show solidarity to the
plight of those worst affected, and to use science,
in a constructive and clinical way, to protect
those not yet as severely affected. Unless all
they care about is for their citizens to continue
traveling, shopping, luxurious living and, in
general, business as usual, without taking into
account the dire consequences of such attitudes
and such behaviors to the populations elsewhere.

Ο Λευτέρης τα λέει πολύ καλά, κι ας ισχυρίζονται
διάφοροι (και μεταξύ αυτών και Πρωθυπουργοί
που κάνουν τα στραβά μάτια για ψηφοθηρικά και
μικροκοματικά οφέλη) ότι τα κόματά τους δεν
εμπεριέχουν δηλητηριοδέστατα φίδια και ότι στους
πολιτικούς τους χώρους φαινόμενα ρατσισμού και
μισαλλοδοξίας δε γίνονται ανεκτά. Όταν σου παίρνει
δεκαετίες για να καθαρίσεις έστω κι ένα βόθρο, με
ποια λογική και με ποιο θράσος βγαίνεις και το παίζεις
υπεράνω και πουλάς τρίχες και ιδεαλισμό; Το άδειασμα
και το ξερίζωμα πρέπει να γίνεται άμεσα (και μόνο
με το πρώτο άκουσμα ύποπτων δηλώσεων) και όχι
μετά από συνεχή και συνεπή ανοχή σε ξεφωνημένες
ρατσιστικές και φασιστικές κραυγές και νοοτροπίες.

Μεσαιωνικές νοοτροπίες από τα παπατζιλίκια, αλλά
κατά τα άλλα όλοι οι πολιτικάντηδες, Γιωργάκηδες
και Κούληδες και Αλεξάκηδες, τρέχουν στις αυλές
και κάνουν τεμενάδες και χειροφιλήματα. Αν, ως
πολιτικοί, θέλετε να κάνετε το σωστό για τη Δημόσια
Υγεία, βγείτε και καταδικάστε, απερίφραστα και χωρίς
δισταγμούς, όσους άλλα λένε δημόσια και άλλα κάνουν,
ή αφήνουν τους υπαλλήλους τους και τα σκυλάκια τους
ανεξέλεγκτα να κάνουν, χωρίς ποινές και αυστηρά μέτρα
(μόνο με ήπιες, ασαφείς και αναποτελεσματικές συμβουλές
και παραινέσεις που οσιαστικά επιτρέπουν και εξουσιο-
δοτούν, αν όχι παροτρύνουν, την ασυδοσία...)

I wish I could say that I was surprised. But for a long
time now, we've been seeing indications that the "justice"
system in our country is rigged, unfair and bankrupt and
that radical changes are needed if Justice is ever going to
become the law of this Land, as Justice is meant to be...

Don Pigozzi, one of the founders and main
motivating forces behind Abstract Algebraic
Logic, is with us no more...

Καλά καλά υποψηφιότητα δεν έβαλε και έτρεξε
σούμπιτος να γλέιψει τα παπαδαριά κατά την
προσφιλή μας ελληναρίστικη συνήθεια... Μην
τυχόν και πάρει και κανένα μπουνταλάκι από την
άκρα δεξιά και το ελληνορθόδοξον εθνικόφρων
μέτωπον... Αλλά σε ουσιατικές πολιτικές συζητήσεις,
όπου και θα έπρεπε να πέσει το βάρος αντί να
τρέχουμε σα σκυλάκια στις αυλές του ενός και
του άλλου, δε συμμετέχουμε... Ξεφτίλα και ντροπή.

The Taliban wrote to Congress to ask for release of
the Afghan People's funds to bankroll their decrepit
and bankrupt regime and its dark-age ideology. They
try to use rhetoric and to move our lawmakers by,
essentially, holding them responsible for "malnourished
children, women lacking health services, adults doing
without food, shelter and medicines" and blaming us,
the United States People, who have, like idiots, been
paying Afghan bills, Afghan graft, Afghan corruption
and Afghan officials, for decades, after what their
Taliban "government" and "regime" did to our
country twenty years ago. Well... too bad for idiots
and opportunists who have no understanding and
no sense whatsoever of their humongous and their
terrible responsibility for what they have done to
and what they have subjected to, and still subjecting
to, their own People. Afghani Taliban idiots, the blame
for the degeneration of your State and the blame for
the malnourishment, the poverty, the lack of health
care and the lack of education of your own People
and for the abysmal treatment of women and the total
lack of accountability as far as Human Rights go do
not burden the shoulders of American Citizens or
of the Congress of our United States. They sit patently
and squarely on the shoulders of your despicable, terrible,
anachronistic and pseudo-religious regime and government.
Change radically your ways, modernize, enter the current
time and age, and the fate and future of the people who
you pretend you so heartbreakingly care for and for
whose welfare you are pretending to be so concerned
and so worried about would change overnight...


Every excuse they can find to increase prices; not to
serve environmental goals as they would have us
believe, but to increase profits, to inflate further
their already fat bottomlines and their bonuses.
A shame and a shameless and despicable statement
to make, in time calculated to coincide with the COP26
summit so that the naive and pliable give it credence.

If a "state" sending inmates to graveyards to serve
their sentences as cadavers below ground is not proof
of a failed state in total collapse, then nothing else is.
How ironic and how repulsive that such a state sends
actual "military forces" to guard the perimeters of
those cemeteries; One wonders, what for? to guard
the population outside against the escape of corpses?

Wilbur Smith is with us no more...

What a shame. $626M, minus, it is rumored, $200M
for lawyers, i.e., colleagues and associates of those that
perpetrated the damage and the atrocities against the
poorest and most unfortunate Citizens of this City,
for an entire City. Sometimes, they award half as
much to a single individual for damages in a medical
malpractice law suit or in a patent infringement law
suit. We are either dreaming a terrible dream or there
is really no sense of proportionality in the "justice"
system in our country, therefore no Justice at all...
To be injured is a terrible thing, ...but for "justice"
to add indignity and insult to the injury, instead of
a fair remedy, is the worst thing of all.

A former president of South Africa, F. W. de
Klerk, a man with a complicated legacy, but
a man who, perhaps, against many of his own
convictions and many of his own demons, had
the clarity to see what was the only path, the
only available option and the only option with
any moral standing for his Nation, is with us
 no more...

Μπράβο στα ΕΛΤΑ! Τώρα λέει θα βλέπουμε σε
πραγματικό χρόνο, ψηφιακά, που βρίσκεται το
πακέτο μας ή το γράμμα μας κατά τις εβδομάδες
που θα ταξιδεύει μεταξύ Αθήνας και Θεσσαλονίκης.
Θα μπορούμε στην εκσυγχρονισμένη πλατφόρμα
να παρακολουθούμε ζωντανά, μέσω ντρόουνς και
με χάϊ ντεφινίσιον ψηφιακά και καλωδιακά, πού
βρίσκεται το μουλάρι ή άλλο ζωντανό που θα
χρησιμοποιείται από τα ΕΛΤΑ για να εκπληρώνει
το κάθε βίτσιο και την κάθε παραγγελία μας σε
πραγματικό χρόνο. Μπράβο, ΕΛΤΑ! Χωρίς την
ψηφιακή καινοτομία, τίποτα δεν γινόταν τόσα
χρόνια για να φτάνουν τα γράμματα και τα πακέτα
στη ώρα τους. Τώρα, όμως, η ψηφιοποίηση θα
τα σώσει όλα, λες και έφταιγε για την κατάντια
η έλλειψη αυτοματοποίησης. Όλοι φαίνεται ότι
δουλεύουν όλους ψιλό γαζί και κανείς δε λέει
τίποτα περί της αλήθειας και του ηλίου το

Were our Generals and their Political supervisors at
Defense and State responsible for this? Or were they
only in charge of dishing out our money to pay the
salaries of phony and non-existent personnel, without
any checks and without any accounting? Will we ever
hold a serious inquiry about this scandal and will those
"generals" of ours be ever court-martialed for treating
their and our army hostage and subordinate to grafts
and corruption to such an extent? Defense, State and
Justice have to stop hiding behind immunities and
other gimmicks and apportion responsibility, hold
serious trials and hold accountable, by passing severe
sentences, those that either knew or were supposed
to know about these facts and turned the other way,
or consistently turned a blind eye so that their own
work would consistently be deemed a success amidst
critical and monumental failures and total disaster.

Οι εξάψεις και οι Trumpουκισμοί του πρωθυπουργού
δεν βοηθάνε... Όποιος έχει γνήσια και ειλικρινή αυτο-
πεποίθηση ότι έχει το δίκαιο με το μέρος του, δεν έχει
καμία ανάγκη να συμπεριφέρεται έτσι και να καταφεύγει
σε φωνασκίες και απολυταρχισμούς ενώπιον δημοσιο-
γράφων που προσπαθούν να κάνουν τη δουλειά τους
και να εκπληρώσουν το χρέος τους. Κρίμα, αλλά μία
εικόνα ισούται με χίλιες λέξεις, όπως λέει και το ρητό,
και ένας εκνευρισμός υποδηλώνει πολλές ανέκφραστες
και αμίλητες αλήθειες... που δε μας αρέσουν, αλλά...
Προτείνω να ζητήσει δημόσια συγγνώμη για την
απαράδεκτη συμπεριφορά του και την εκτός ορίων
και ελέγχου, εξαιρετικά προσβλητική, αντίδρασή του.

Albert Bourla, DO THE RIGHT THING! Pfizer
has gotten billions in earnings both from the funding
provided by the Government for the expedited research
and development of the vaccine and from the sales of
the vaccine to billions in the developed countries.
Now that you have developed a pill, which am sure
costs very little to produce, do the right thing and
donate large quantities to those Nations that cannot
afford to pay and have been left behind. Do not expect
and wait for rich Nations to also fund lavishly the
big pharmaceuticals for that campaign as well. Take
initiative and contribute your own share in what is
not only proper, but also what is a must, what is
ethical and humane. For matters of life and death,
enough is enough as far as profits, rewards and
bonuses go. DO THE RIGHT THING!

Ambassador Pyatt has contributed substantially
with his work, both visibly and behind the scenes,
to the superlative level of Greek-American bilateral
relations and the cooperation and initiatives that
substantiate and effectuate these ties. In my view,
it would not be, right now, the right moment to
change ambassadorial assignments in Athens,
and I would advise the President and the Senate
to renew Ambassador Pyatt's assignment in Athens
for one more term, assuming that he is, himself,
positively predisposed and inclined to accept such
a proposition. It would be wise to preserve the
expertise and the experience, and the personal ties
and relationships already established, to further
strengthen and develop this already extremely tight
relationship at such a critical juncture.

A Continent United, Two People, One Future
and One Destiny, Common Values, Common
Dreams, Common Aspirations and Always,
Always, One Standing Side-By-Side with the
Other, with Love and with Respect for both
what has been and what will be. In this way,
there are no problems that cannot be overcome
and the Future of our States and of our children
and our grandchildren shall be safer, more
secure, full of versatility, tolerance, acceptance,
and appreciation, ready and enthusiastic to
follow in this same Spirit of coordination,
co-operation and negotiation and to avoid the
grave mistakes of the past and to value and
take advantage of the vision and the foresight
of the most gifted and best of our predecessors.

I ask the Supreme Court of this Land: Let us
be in the 21st Century and let us continue to
evolve on the path of Equal Rights and Equal
Opportunities for All. However conservative
you may be, do not allow this Country of ours
to slip back centuries by an ill-conceived decision
that will take us back to the dark ages, in the
opposite direction from that most other Sister
Nations of Ours are following. DO THE RIGHT
THING. Preserve, Protect and Defend Women's
Rights and their Independence in making the
most significant decisions that affect them and
be equal participants in making the most
significant decisions that affect their families.

It sounds like every company or "personality"
that has become irrelevant, but is desperate
and agonizingly trying to stay relevant
, are
appropriating for themselves the name "meta".
It makes me think, like when someone who is so
guilty and says "I didn't do anything wrong...",
that they should be named "ante", but they like
the ironic contradictory term to make them-
selves feel better and more comfortable and
to convince others that what they are seeing
is not exactly what is happening...

The outgoing German Chancellor, Angela Merkel,
is on an official visit to Athens. Ms. Merkel has
been a capable and steady hand at the helm of
the Union. It is my sense, however, that her long
hold at the reigns, no matter how successful it may
be deemed, is another indication (and, possibly,
another warning) that term limits are necessary
in politics. In my view, 8-10 years time (as is the
current standard with the maximum allowed
two Presidential Terms in our United States) is
a reasonable and necessary limit to avoid excesses
and abuses of power. The fact that, in the case of
Ms. Merkel, Germany and the Union have not seen
any provocative scandals or any abuses and
nepotism in grand scale is exceptional and speaks
well for her character. But, as an exception, it does
make the general rule even more urgent, since the
majority of people, and especially politicians who
are so empowered, are usually very prone to
excesses, to receiving and to dispersing, and more
generally, to human errors and human traits.

Mr. Cavusoglu is trying to exploit the readers'
lack of knowledge and ignorance of the subtle
workings of international law, its customs and
its norms to portray the Greek Ministry's of
Foreign Affairs complaints and representations
against Turkish violations of International Law
as personal traits of immaturity and insecurity
of Greece's Foreign Minister. He knows, however,
well, and that is why his statement is intentionally
and deliberately misleading, that, unless a State
reacts via statements to constant violations of
its sovereignty and its territorial integrity and,
unless there is a record of explicit and consistent
long-term opposition to such acts and claims,
it might be perceived as acquiescing to these acts
and to the territorial demands and aspirations
of those responsible. There is, therefore, legal
and well-founded justification for the Greek
Ministry's and the Greek Minister's constant,
consistent and forceful reactions when those
actions causing them are deliberate and ongoing.

Luckily, the joint statement did not mention
Human Rights; then it would have been clear
that it is not worth a farthing. On the other
hand, it does mention "respect for international
law"... So maybe it is not worth a farthing
anyway... Arabia, under the Saud dictatorship,
has shown zero respect for international law
and has made a mockery of international
norms and standards.

It is unconscionable that filthy rich owners of
Art, which forms part of the History and the
Heritage of Humanity, who themselves have
benefited immeasurably from a rigged system
that enables them to get loans at privileged
terms, escape taxes and store their assets in
shady places, did not think to repay part of
their dues and privileges by donating these
treasures to Museums for their expert pre-
servation and enjoyment of All. I do hope,
however, that, at least some of, those pieces
that were auctioned were acquired either by
Museums directly or by other rich, but more
responsible and, better stewards of personal
wealth and fortune, with the ultimate intent
and goal to donate them to Museums open to
the Public for the benefit of All Humanity.

He had every right to take his own life by whatever
means at his disposal, but he had absolutely no right
to take the life of an innocent girl, whose only (and,
sadly, deadly) mistake was to have been with (and
to have shown trust in) him.

The architect of lies, fabrications and fake news
has launched "Truth Social" and the denier of
science and technology, and supporter of many
conspiracy theories and nonexistent medical
treatments, has launched "Trump Media and
Technology". Lack of self-awareness, delusion
and stupidity at their absolute maximum...

In my view, it is clear why politicians, despite
nice words and proclamations in public, are
working surreptitiously, behind the scenes, to
undermine efforts to address climate change.
The most obvious reason is that, in many of
the nations involved, much of political money
and power stems from being in cahoots and
in being supported by, and, on many occasions,
having being employed lavishly by, the fossil
fuel industry, which, in return, is demanding
through incessant lobbying a generous return
for their buck and for the salaries and political
campaign contributions they have provided.
The second reason is that, generally, we elect
mindlessly for political office people who do
not represent us in any way. Most of the
politicians who wield enough power to make
crucial decisions and to implement substantial
changes live in a very different world than
their "subjects" (the average citizen). They
are so rich they do not care if energy, food,
facilities, housing, etc. become really expensive
as a result of climate pressures and they are
served by so many people and live in such
well-taken care of accommodations that,
if at all, they will be the last to feel any
pressures from climate change. So why would
they bother about it, given the selfishness that
most of them exhibit in all sectors of their lives
and which has served them so well in climbing
to the top and becoming wealthy and comfortable?
As a conclusion, my sense is that, unless we vote
different groups of people in government where
we can, and unless people overthrow kings and
ruling families, where voting is not an option,
and elect sensible people with similar needs
to their own in leadership, it is unrealistic and
too much to expect, as things stand, for governing
elites to do much, if anything at all, no matter how
serious the challenges that the average citizen faces.

Poland has become a gangrenous and a gangsterous
state in the heart of the EU. The EU Treaty clearly
acknowledges the supremacy of EU Law, where that
Law conflicts with Domestic Law. Moreover, Poland
is a party to that Treaty. Furthermore, Poland is a
Party to the Vienna Convention on the Law of
Treaties, which clearly states that domestic law and
domestic court rulings should in no way constitute
excuses for a state to breach its international legal
obligations. The two Treaties to which Poland is a
party therefore, in combination, clearly delineate
Poland's obligations and Poland's recent actions
form a clear breach of those obligations. The other
party members to the EU Treaty should call Poland
out and force it to abide by its obligations. If they
do not, the message sent would be very dangerous
for the functionality of the Treaty, the seriousness
of the offense and the value and viability of future
efforts towards European Integration at various
levels and areas. I call on the Commission and the
European Council to do their job properly and to
send a clear message avoiding the usual route of
hesitation, appeasement, ingratiation, evasion and
equivocation, which embolden states responsible
to become even more ruthless and uncooperative.

People say he was moderate... Well, how could some-
one that took part in one of the most serious stories
of fabrication and fake news in the pre-Trump era,
before that stuff became fashionable and expected,
rather than pathological and sickening, be gauged
and characterized as "moderate", especially when
the accounting and the (unfortunately non-)
accountability factor in that it was done to initiate,
plan and engage in a war of aggression, which ended
up costing countless human lives, trillions of dollars
in material damage in infrastructure and property
and still plagues the United States and its most blind
and trusting allies to this day and will into the future?
We cannot forget, nor can we easily forgive, that the
protagonists spat upon and trivialized our United
Nations and caused such damage, of almost irreparable
proportions, to our State. I wish the story had
been different, but we should always call a spade
a spade; otherwise no lessons will ever be learned...

A new defense agreement between the United States
and Greece was signed today in Washington by our
Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and our Minister
of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias. To reiterate, the two
States share the same Values and Outlook and they
espouse the same Principles; and, under the strong
leadership of Ambassador Pyatt and the work done
in Athens, but also here in Washington, in particular
by Senator Menendez and the Administration of Joe
Biden, the ties have become very close and extremely
significant for both sides and, more generally, for the
future, hopefully a Future of Peace, Stability and
Security, of the Eastern Mediterranean Region and
of the Balkans.

Absurdity and mindlessness... When states are not doing
so well and they want financial and commercial ties and
fortification, partnerships, fraternity and solidarity, then
EU sounds great and they beg to join. When, partially
because of EU Membership and because of that fraternity
and solidarity, they start doing better and better, or even
great, they do not want EU any more and things start to
taste bad, to smell unpleasantly and to displease. Too bad...
Leaders have a hard time understanding that you cannot
eat your pie and have it too and that there are in politics
and in social and economic life greater things than petty
selfishness and opportunism.

Unlike many, if not most, of the scientists that
worked in the Manhattan Project, the deceased
will not be known for any notable or remarkable
advances or contributions to science; his name
shall only remain in the records as one of those
that used the science that others had developed,
for some, to do evil, and, for others, to deter the
doing of evil; but, certainly, for no net positive
impact whatsoever. I hope that he is one of the
last scientists on the face of Planet Earth making
such a poor choice after so much education.

The announcements yesterday on CIA's new
Far East focus were not what most of us wanted
to hear. It sounds like they are stuck to eras past
and unable to chart a new policy of competition,
coordination and cooperation and that they are
thinking "what do we know how to do best?
what have we done all along? competing and
warring... so let us continue to do that, only
with a new adversary and foe". In my view,
this is a defective way of thinking and a poor
choice in a World that most people are tired
of conflicts, of enmity and of creating new
tensions when there are other ways to resolve
differences and other paths to follow to move
forward. I was really sorry to hear those
announcements and proclamations and, as
is usual, what was publicized and what we
heard was only a small part of the decisions
made towards a confrontational new policy.

Γι' αυτό ακριβώς και όταν έχεις φασισταριό στο κόμμα σου
και κάνεις τα στραβά μάτια και τους ανέχεσαι, παρά τις
όμορφες, ιδεαλιστικές και σέξι δηλώσεις και διαγγέλματα,
και χρειάζεσαι τον Υπουργό Εξωτερικών να βάλει πλάτη
και να πει τα αυτονόητα
για να βρεις το κουράγιο να τους
στείλεις στον αδόξαστο, όπου ανήκουν, θα το πληρώσεις,
γιατί έχουμε μάτια και αυτιά και μηδενική ανοχή σε τέτοια
και σε παρόμοια αποβράσματα και φαινόμενα. Αν θέλεις
να βαδίσεις μαζί τους, θα βαδίσεις χωρίς εμάς, κι εμείς
είμαστε πολύ περισσότεροι από τα καθάρματα, και τότε
θα καταλάβεις το τραγικό λάθος των πολιτικών "ισορρο-
πιών" και παιχνιδιών, αλλά τότε θα είναι πολύ αργά.

The President of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski,
is on an official visit to Athens after the invitation of
the Greek President, Katerina Sakellaropoulou. Today,
he visited Prime Minister Mitsotakis. In that meeting
the excellent level of bilateral relations and the firm
support of Greece in the North Macedonian aspirations
for membership in the European Union were reaffirmed.

If, as they are claiming, they have done nothing wrong,
why, then, not operating in the open? Why don't they
go and buy those properties over the counter, as so many
celebrities and CEOs and other wealthy people do, and
whose dealings we follow and we learn from the press
every day? Why are they hiding those transactions and
dealing with them through secretive offshore outfits and
operating surreptitiously and under the table? The most
likely explanation for secretiveness is that the dealings
are suspicious and non-transparent and that the amounts
moved, and the properties bought and sold, serve to launder
illegal graft, gifts, bribes and income incurred from both
profiteering through power and/or from plain stealing.

None of this is their money. It is all money by right
belonging to the Kenyan People. But like it happens on
the overwhelming majority of instances, after it is all
done and the money embezzled and stashed away in
private accounts in safe havens or in Switzerland, no
effort can, and no means exist to, return it to its rightful
owners. Africa is making us and its people once more
deeply disappointed, angry and outraged, and helpless.
Its "leaders" and "fighters" showing again, once more,
the real reason why they fought; not for ideals and
independence and to contribute to their societies, but,
rather, for grandeur, luxury and personal profiteering.
And that is why tribalism and generalissimos and
despicable, violent personalities are still in vogue and
still dominate the political life of the Mother Continent
even to the present day.

Θα ήθελα να επαναλάβω μερικές γραμμές από
τις πολύ ενδιαφέρουσες τοποθετήσεις του
Κυριάκου σε ειδικό ένθετο της εφημερίδας
«Κεφάλαιο», με τίτλο «Φιλελεύθερη δημοκρατία.
Ανοικτή κοινωνία με ανοιχτούς ορίζοντες», που
αναπαράγει το εδώ. Μπορεί σε κάποια
πράγματα (ή σε πολλά) να διαφωνούμε, αλλά
το μήνυμά του προς πολλές κατευθύνσεις είναι
ξεκάθαρο και πολυσήμαντο και οι γενικές ιδέες
και κατευθύνσεις πολύ σωστές:
«Προϋπόθεση, βέβαια, γι’ αυτό είναι να αναγνωρίζουμε
όλοι αξίες και όχι αξιώματα. Με πρώτη αυτήν της συνύ-
παρξης. Την πεποίθηση, δηλαδή, ότι κανείς δεν κρατά
το μονοπώλιο στις ιδέες, στην αλήθεια, στην κοινωνική
ευαισθησία, στην ηθική και στον πατριωτισμό. Γιατί
μπορεί ο δρόμος να είναι η δημιουργική αντιπαράθεση,
η διαφωνία ή ακόμη και η σύγκρουση. Προορισμός,
ωστόσο, πρέπει είναι πάντοτε ο συμβιβασμός και η σύν-
θεση. Με απόλυτο σεβασμό στη διαφορετική άποψη.
Αλλά χωρίς την παραμικρή παραχώρηση στον διχα-
στικό και μισαλλόδοξο λόγο.»

Secretary Blinken, I hear that the Taliban are
asking international air carriers to restart flights
from and to Afghanistan. Take this opportunity
and the initiative to coordinate with other World
Leaders to ensure that no "quid" is afforded to
this despicable regime without a "quo". Force
the regime to abide by basic Human Rights
and International Norms, including Women's
Rights, before giving them the opportunity to
profit from international communication and
transportation. If they want to integrate in the
international community, they must not be
allowed to do so in their own, medieval and
inhumane, terms, but forced to do so in our
World's terms, with full respect to and con-
sideration for the achievements and progress
of mankind. Let us not watch passively a
disaster unfolding when we can do something
about it, at least to mitigate consequences.

Ο κ. Σαμαράς δυστυχώς δε βάζει μυαλό. Αν είχαμε
τον κ. Σαμαρά Πρωθυπουργό, όπως εξάλλου και
τότε που τον είχαμε, η χώρα θα έπλεε σε άκρως
επικίνδυνα ύδατα και θα βάδιζε σε λάθος δρόμο.
Πολλές από τις απόψεις που έχει, είναι οι απόψεις
που, από Ελληνική σκοπιά, είναι συγγενείς και
ανάλογες με τις απόψεις του Ερντογάν, βέβαια από
Τουρκικής σκοπιάς, και, βεβαίως δε θέλουμε μία
Ελλάδα υπερφίαλη, με λάθος εννούμενη "αυτο-
πεποίθηση" και άκρατο εθνικισμό, μία χώρα
ανίκανη να αντιληφθεί ότι το δίκαιο σε πολλές
διαφορές δεν είναι 100% του ενός ή του άλλου,
και αδιάλλακτη και απρόθυμη να διαπραγματευτεί
και να συζητήσει, όχι μόνο με τους πρόθυμους να
αρπάξουν, αλλά με όλα τα άλλα κράτη, με ευγένεια
και καλή πίστη και ειλικρινή θέληση, πάντα στα
πλαίσια του Διεθνούς Δικαίου, με βαθειά γνώση
τόσο των δικαιωμάτων και των πλονεκτημάτων
της όσο και των λαθών και των παραλήψεων της
και των δικαιωμάτων των άλλων. Κατά την άποψη
μου, στα σημαντικά, οι τελευταίοι Υπουργοί
Εξωτερικών μας, έχουν κάνει πολύ καλή δουλειά,
διότι αντιμετωπίζουν με νηφαλιότητα και
ψυχραιμία τις προκλήσεις και έχουν καλή
γνώση των στόχων μας, αλλά και της θέσης
μας και του εφικτού. Ο συνδυασμός ενός
ιδεαλισμού (αν μπορεί κάποιος να αποκαλέσει
έτσι την προσήλωση στο Διεθνές Δίκαιο και σε
Παγκόσμιες Αρχές Ανθρωπισμού) με πραγματισμό
(να ξέρεις τις δυνατότητές σου και να μην τραβάς το
σκοινί εκεί που δε σε παίρνει μέχρι να το σπάσεις,
αλά Ερντογάν) είναι αξιοσημείωτος στη σημερινή
εξωτερική μας πολιτική, και δε χρειαζόμαστε
αποτυχημένους και φαντάσματα του σκοτεινού
παρελθόντος να παρασύρουν με ψευτοεπιχειρήματα
και ρητορική τη χώρα στο χείλος του παραλόγου.
Σε πολλά άλλα έχουμε πρόβλημα και, όταν έρθει
η ώρα της κρίσης, ο κ. Μητσοτάκης θα κριθεί,
όπως αρμόζει σε μία Ευνομούμενη Δημοκρατία.
Αλλά ως προς την Εξωτερική Πολιτική, τόσο
ο κ. Κοτζιάς όσο και ο κ. Δένδιας έχουν δουλέψει
πολύ και έχουν προσφέρει πολλά, και θα είναι
δυστύχημα να μην αναγνωριστεί η εξαιρετική
δουλειά και προσφορά τους. Τους ευχαριστούμε.

(Και, φυσικά στο βαθμό που τους αναλογεί ως
Πρωθυπουργών και προϊσταμένων τους, για τα
συγκεκριμένα ευχαριστούμε και τον Αλέξη και
τον Κυριάκο
; για να είμαστε δίκαιοι και σ' αυτό.)

Turkey never understood, mainly because of the
pomposity of its President, that it may be a
regional power but that it is very far from being
a World power or a deal maker and/or a deal
breaker in the international arena. It was only
natural, for a nation that does not know and/or
does not realize its position, to sooner or later
expect that such overreach would come back to
bite it and its interests; only Erdogan, being the
way he is, was slow to realize this and backtrack,
and maybe now that he wants to re-approach
and to mend damaged relations, it is perhaps too
late, after having rubbed multiple significant
World Leaders the wrong way.

It just seems, from all information that comes to
light about his wheeling and dealing, that, despite
what his family says about his personality, he is,
after all, an unscrupulous and ruthless character
when it comes to using his connections and networks
for personal profit and enrichment. Too bad, and
even worse that he is exposing those closest to him,
who are willing to vouch for him, to lies and ridicule.

"Underestimate" my a**... They commit fraud knowingly,
and in an organized and methodical way, and they then lie
and hide to get away scot-free. It is a pity that our laws,
our prosecutors and our attorneys are, in many cases,
indifferent to the public good and to imposing fair
sentences and punishment (especially to high profile
and affluent defrauders and perjurers) and, in this way,
are responsible for perpetuating these phenomena in both
Wall Street and Silicon Valley. Both the case of Purdue
Pharma and the Sackler murderers and that of Theranos
and the despicable and injurious Madam Holmes should
be prosecuted to the extreme, and the maximum punishment
and punitive damages possible under law should be imposed
and aggressively enforced. It is high time those responsible
send a clear message that both behaviors are unacceptable
in today's America and that, in terms of ethics, the scramble
for wealth and the insatiable and uncontrollable greed and
opportunism, we are not living any longer in the era of the
"far west", where all, anything and everything, came and
went unchecked.

Οι μισοί ανταλάσσουν ¨πληροφορίες" και σπαταλούν
ενέργεια για να βρουν τί κάνει νιάου-νιάου στα κεραμίδια
και οι άλλοι μισοί ενστερνίζονται το "την έσφαξα γιατί
την αγαπούσα"... Δεν πάμε καθόλου καλά... Η ουσία είναι
ότι πάρα πολλές γυναίκες τελευταία, είτε από αγάπη, είτε
από ανάγκη, είτε από παραπλάνηση, πηγαίνουν με λάθος
και άκρως επικίνδυνα και ψυχοπαθή άτομα και, δυστυχώς,
το πληρώνουν ειδεχθώς και εντελώς αχρείαστα με τη ζωή τους.

Excellent news from Paris and Washington!
The French Ambassador is returning and,
as should be the case, misunderstandings
of a secondary nature should not be allowed
to weigh heavily on the bilateral relations of
two of the closest allies and two of the most,
historically and traditionally, fraternal
Nations on the Planet. BRAVO, FRANCE!

Ο Δήμαρχος της Πόλης επισκέπτεται την Αθήνα.
The Mayor of Istanbul, Ekrem Imamoglu, is on a
short visit to Athens. Two brotherly Nations, two
inextricably intertwined Cities, one future, one
destiny. Our Mayor, Kostas Bakoyannis, extended
the warmest welcome on behalf of all Athenians.

France, I am certain, shall rethink. In terms of
common interests and common values, there is
no other group of Nations that have closer ties
than the United States, France, Australia and
the United Kingdom. Starting a diplomatic row,
mainly for economic and commercial reasons,
instead of engaging in diplomacy and dialog to
iron out practical differences, is not the way to
go and President Macron knows this too well.

Good riddance.

These sorry brutal beasts think that, by keeping
girls uneducated and women unemployed, they
are imposing the teachings of the prophet and are
ensuring male supremacy. But they are not only
blasphemous by using ideology and behaviors
that no prophet ever believed in or espoused in
his writings, but, in fact, the only thing they are
accomplishing is transporting their country
back in time by a millennium and making sure
that it is and it stays a backward, shameful pit,
a stain in the being and the conscience of
Humanity and of Civilization and one of the
very few states on Earth where the "governing"
believe, and make an organized and concerted
effort to enforce, that keeping 50% of the popu-
lation in the dark and on the side and not allowing
them to creatively and usefully participate in the
betterment and development of the state is helpful
and constructive. The antithesis, the exact opposite,
of dignity, decency and patriotism. That cannot
be attributed or related to any religion; that is
pure blasphemy, ridicule and mockery of religion.

Είμαι σίγουρος ότι ο Πρωθυπουργός δεν το έκανε
σκόπιμα, αλλά "η Ελλάδα που θέλουμε" δεν είναι
μόνο "η Ελλάδα που προσπαθεί, αγωνίζεται, ξεπερνά
τις δυσκολίες, κρατά ενωμένη την οικογένειά της",
αλλά είναι και η πολυπολιτισμική, πολυκοσμική,
ανοιχτόκαρδη, συμπονετική και αλληλέγγυα Ελλάδα,
και, δεδομένων των τελευταίων εξελίξεων και των
διαφόρων ατυχών και άτοπων δηλώσεων, καλό θα
ήταν να είχαν και αυτά αναφερθεί ξανά και τονιστεί
με ιδιαίτερη έμφαση. Αλλά θα τα υπενθυμίσει και
αύριο φαντάζομαι η Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας μας.

To every action involving hatred, racism and bigotry,
both in Greece and in the United States, there will be a
strong reaction full of love, compassion and solidarity
that will make our fellow human beings feel accepted
and part of our societies and will send a strong message
to those that err and hate
to think twice before they
repeat mistakes and encourage them to do the Right
and embrace All Humanity.

General Mark Milley is one of those worthy soldiers
that kept us sane and kept our country safe and our
communication lines and necessary cooperation and
coordination channels - critical in a very delicate
World - open. Thank you, General! And for those
that seek phantoms and ghosts, you would do a much
greater service to our United States to look elsewhere,
where they really existed and where they can still be
found, if you had the honesty, the awareness, the
boldness, the audacity and the courage to look there.

Εάν η ΕΑΒ και τα πανεπιστήμιά μας τα καταφέρουν
σ' αυτόν τον τομέα, θα είναι μεγάλη επιτυχία. Όχι
μόνο γιατί τα οχήματα θα είναι όντως εξαιρετικά
χρήσιμα και ιδιαιτέρως σημαντικά για την Εθνική
Άμυνα και Ασφάλεια, αλλά επίσης, και ίσως πιο
κρίσιμα, η τεχνογνωσία που θα αποκτηθεί, εάν
υπάρχει σωστός σχεδιασμός, να είναι καταλυτική
για περαιτέρω συνεργασίες των εμπλεκόμενων
φορέων και περαιτέρω ανάπτυξη παρόμοιων και
άλλων έργων. Για να μην αναλύσουμε και τη συμβολή
στην ψυχολογία ακαδημίας και βιομηχανίας.
Έχουμε βαρεθεί να παρατηρούμε ότι στην Ελλάδα
παράγουμε μόνο τρόφιμα και λαχανικά και καλά
κρασιά (ναι, ξέρω, και λάδι και μπύρες κ.λ.π.), και
ότι η "βαριά" μας βιομηχανία περιορίζεται κυρίως
στο λογισμικό. Είναι καιρός να αρχίσουμε να ανα-
πτύσουμε βαριά και σύγχρονα προϊόντα μεγάλου
κόστους. Θα είναι μία δραματική ποιοτική αλλαγή
και εξέλιξη στην Ελληνική οικονομία και βιομηχανία.

What can be done then, if one wants to support
specific goals in Afghanistan, but desists from
disproportionately benefiting the Taliban regime?
My feeling (but it is just a feeling) would be to
avoid middlemen as much as possible. Deal
directly with the Taliban government is a quid
pro quo fashion, which seems to be the only way,
the bazaar, that passes for something in rogue
circles in the East. They are, or will be after
a large amount of the already seized American
wealth in bribes and loot is spent, desperate for
new income and support. When a little is provided
to cover running needs, it should be under very
strict and verifiable conditions. You may spend
such and such amount if no journalists are expelled,
if no voices are suppressed and no newsmen
are harassed, if no plane is grounded, if no
communication is forbidden or restricted, if no
woman is tortured, if all schools remain open to
all, etc. And if any reports get through of quid not
reciprocated by "quo", then the spigot is turned
off. Sometimes, they say "good accounts make
good friends" and I have not seen many good
accounts being kept when inscrutable and
shady middlemen are allowed to come in
between or when either one or both parties
become greedy and avaricious to a catastrophic
degree, like the successive "governments" that
our United States did put their weight behind,
so unthinkingly, so unfortunately and with such
disastrous and shameful consequences.

As far as the big picture goes, Secretary Blinken's
analysis was not much off the point. What is worrisome
is that some of the details of what was said were, to say
the least, inaccurate, and I would hope that this was
done neither out of ignorance nor intentionally in
order to mislead, but for some other (mysterious)
reason. If the Secretary thinks that because the U.S.
and other States, by "sending aid directly to NGOs
and other local groups" are going to "bypass the
Taliban", he has, sadly, learned no lessons from the
fiascos of the last two decades (and more) and he
is deceiving himself and/or trying to fool others
by perpetuating lies and nonsense. The Afghan
economy and modus operandi depends on grafts
and bribes. Nothing can be done without a backsheesh,
which used to be a reasonable tip for services rendered,
but, unfortunately, from reports, one understands
that it has become a generous percentage of the
overall expenditures. Thus, even if the money is
given in fact directly to other groups, the Taliban
will find a way to get their hands on a large percentage
of that money and, if there are refusals or revelations,
those groups that desist will not be allowed to operate.
Saying therefore that such a "method" would bypass
the Taliban and would prevent them from enriching
themselves and from using American and other
Western "aid funds" to further their goals and to
attain their objectives is absurd and preposterous
and shows ignorance and naivety unjustifiable for
a Secretary of State, who, under the circumstances,
should have been well-appraised and well-informed
of the details and desist from inaccuracies, mirepre-
sentations and miscalculations.

Nothing short of bestial; that's the only way to fairly
characterize this regime, its lack of culture and its
self-proclaimed theocracy, which is pseudo-religionism,
blasphemy and bestiality of the worst possible kind
and degree. Exactly as was expected and anticipated,
regardless of totally unfounded and inevitably ill-fated
efforts to assert the contrary.

Fake, embezzling a**hole, stop the pretentious
apologies. Actions speak a thousand words.
Return the money you stole where they belong.
If you do not want it to fall into Taliban hands,
place it in trust with a Government that cares
for it to be used for the Afghan People in some
constructive way. Return it immediately and
stop denying the obvious, reported by multiple
witnesses. We all know who you are, what you
stood for and what your despicable "government"
did and what the consequences of your shameful
passing were. Have the decency to shut up and
simply do the Right Thing; return the loot.

Bravo to Greece and Romania! Bilateral relations
at the highest possible level, with further room for
expansion and improvement. Only way to go!

Βασίλη, ο Μίκης θα εξευτελιστεί; Το μόνο που δείχνουν
αυτές οι χοντράδες και τα ευτράπελα είναι ότι στην Ελλάδα
πολλά πράγματα, συμπεριλαμβανομένης και της απαράδεκτης
νοοτροπίας και χωριατιάς μας, δεν αλλάζουν τόσο εύκολα και
ότι ο Μίκης ήταν πάρα πολύς για ένα λαό που φυτοζωεί σε ένα
βούρκο και ότι, δυστυχώς, αφήνει πίσω του πολλά κοντινά,
αλλά και μακρινά, σκουπίδια, αχάριστα και απαίδευτα.
Μήπως δε θα έπρεπε και τα πιο πλούσια και πρόθυμα
κοράκια (μέσω κάποιου σωματείου τους) να έχουν αναλάβει
από κοινού, με ομοψυχία, τη δωρεάν παροχή υπηρεσιών και
την οργάνωση της τελετής ως ένα ελάχιστο φόρο τιμής αντί
να απλώνουν, να μαζεύουν και να αναδιπλώνουν τα σάβανα
πριν ακόμα κρυώσει το αίμα του Ενός και Μοναδικού Έλληνα;
Αποδεικνύουμε για μία ακόμα φορά ότι είμαστε πάρα πολύ
τυχερός λαός γιατί μας έχουν κληροδοτηθεί θαύματα και
μας έχουν προκύψει προσωπικότητες με πάθος, ταλέντο,
γνώση, πείσμα και μαχητικότητα, πολύ πέρα και πολύ πάνω
απ' ότι πραγματικά αξίζουμε...

Jean-Paul Belmondo is with us no more...

The Greek Prime Minister and Ambassador Pyatt
welcomed in Athens U.S. Senators Chris Murphy
and Jon Ossoff (D-GA). They reaffirmed
the impeccable level of bilateral relations and the
extremely close partnership in multiple sectors,
security, defense, energy, economy, culture and
tourism, among many others. The shared values
and common outlook on many issues, together
with the exemplary work of Ambassador Pyatt
for several years, have strengthened the foundations
and widened the scope of co-operation and the
hope is that this work will continue in the future.

Pity... In the Balkans, we still are immersed in primitive
attitudes and behaviors which, unfortunately, take us
back in memory and keep us back from actual progress
and development by several decades. And to think that
these two brotherly Nations shall be in the not so distant
future under one and the same roof, two stars emblazoned
on the same Flag... What a pity, sad and heartbreaking...

Ο Μίκης μας δεν είναι μαζί μας πια...
Η Πατρίδα μας και η Οικουμένη, η Ανθρωπότητα,
ο Πολιτισμός και η Μουσική είναι κατά πολύ
φτωχότερες σήμερα, αλλά και κατά πολύ πλουσιότερες
χάριν στο πέρασμά του. Πολύ λίγοι και πολύ διαλεχτοί
τραγούδησαν για την Αγάπη, για τη Χαρά, για τον Πόνο
για τους Αγώνες, για την Ισότητα και για τη Δικαιοσύνη
όπως εκείνος, και έδωσαν τα πάντα για κάτι καλύτερο.
Θα λείψεις, και θα μας λείψεις, όσο κανένας άλλος στη
σύγχρονη πολιτική και καλλιτεχνική ζωή της χώρας μας.
The Ecumenical, our Mikis Theodorakis is with us no more...
Greece and the World, Humanity, Culture and Music are
much poorer today, but also tremendously enriched due
to his Life, his Work and his Struggles. His is among a
group of very few, extremely gifted and very select, who
gave expression to Love, Joy, Pain and Sorrow, Struggle,
Equality and Justice, and very few possess the Brilliance,
the Faith and the Courage to put themselves forward and
to give everything for the Dream of a Better World.